Two master passwords?

Community Member


A while ago I setup 1Password on my Mac to try it out and used it for a bit then forgot about it.

More recently, I setup 1Password for Families on my phone and got everything up and running.

When I went to my Mac to add my 1Password families I had to login to my 1Password (local) instance and then add my 1Password Families account to it.

Now, here is where I am confused, on my phone when I login to 1P I have to use the master pass I set for families (lets call it AAA) but on my Mac I can login to 1P using my old master password from the local install (password BBB) and it lets me into both my 1P local and 1P families vaults.

How can I fix it so to get into my 1P Families vault (with password AAA) on my Mac and effectively my password BBB for my local vault goes away?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MaxSiegel
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @joe_64,

    I'm glad you recently got 1Password Families set up. Now that you've done that, you'll be able to remove the local vaults in an upcoming version of 1Password for Mac and iOS. Until then, let me know if you have any questions — I'm happy to help. :)

    All the best,

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