My Ipad doesn't gets updated when I update my Imac?

Community Member
edited May 2016 in Mac

It used to be that every time I update my 1password on my Imac, my Ipad, Iphone would sync up immidiatly. Now, My ipad doesn't gets updated? I can't find what has changed? How do I bring back the sync?

1Password Version:4.4.3
_Extension Version:443000
_OS Version:10.9.5
_Sync Type:
Not Provided


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @eyalgordin,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issues with syncing your devices! In order to figure out what's going on we need to know which syncing method you're using. You can figure that out if you go to 1Password on your Mac, then go to Preferences and click on Sync. Please let us know what it says :chuffed:

    How long ago did you notice that your iPad was not syncing anymore? I'd like to ask you to please create a brand new item (for example a login or a note) in each of your three devices and see whether it appears on the other two.

    Please let us know what you find out so we can go forward from there :chuffed:

  • eyalgordin
    Community Member
    edited May 2016

    I noticed that the sync option was off so I changed it to sync with icloud. still, the ipad hasnt changed? I created a "test" login on Imac, no sync? It won't sync with my Iphone as well. I also enabled Icloud drive and on my Ipad 1password icon was on the list on my Iphone it wasn't? Still no sync. If not needed, Id love not to use Icloud drive since im on a strict data plan and would like to minimize data usage.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2016

    Hi @eyalgordin,

    I noticed that the sync option was off...

    Do you mean it was turned off in the 1Password sync settings on your Mac? Or on your iPad? I'm guessing you meant it was off on your Mac since that's where Pilar suggested checking, but wanted to make sure. I changed it to sync with icloud.

    Again, did you enable iCloud sync in 1Password on your Mac or your iPad? Do you have the same sync option enabled in 1Password on all three devices? Were you previously using iCloud sync, or is it possible you were using Dropbox or Wi-Fi sync? Please make sure you check the sync settings in 1Password on each device (Mac, iPad, iPhone) to see how they're each set up.

    It won't sync with my Iphone as well.

    Just to make sure we understand - do you mean none of your devices are syncing with each other? Or does sync work between any of them?

    You mentioned you're using 1Password 4 on your Mac, but that version used an older method for iCloud sync that won't work with newer versions. So I think that might be at least part of the problem. Can you please let us know which version of 1Password you're using on your iPad and iPhone? Just open the 1Password app on each one and the version number should be shown on the Settings screen directly underneath the "Recommend 1Password" option.

    We should have a much better idea of what's going on once we hear back from you with your answers. Thanks in advance! :)

  • eyalgordin
    Community Member

    Ipad and Iphone are using 6.4
    All devices are using the Icloud method of syncing
    I used to sync with dropbox, I can return to that if that will keep my devices in sync

  • eyalgordin
    Community Member

    Im switching to sync with Dropbox to test. I'll report results

  • eyalgordin
    Community Member

    It tells me that syncing was done but all the new items on my Imac do not sync with Ipad or Iphone

  • eyalgordin
    Community Member

    Ok, it works with Dropbox but, since im on a strict data plan, how do I limit the syncing so it doesnt do it iften and cost me unnecessary data usage? Do I have to have Dropbox on and active on my Imac? Is there a better way to sync that is not Data hungry?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @eyalgordin,

    That's great, I'm glad Dropbox sync is working! As I suspected, the problem with iCloud sync was that it won't work between 1Password 4 and newer versions.

    As far as data usage, it's not something you should need to worry about. The first time you enable Dropbox sync, Dropbox will need to copy the sync file to its servers and then to your other device(s), but after that it only copies individual changes you make, not the entire sync file. The amount of data needed in order to check Dropbox for changes to 1Password is so minimal, it would almost be impossible for that to cause you to go over your data plan. Even if you often make changes to your data in 1Password, it takes very little data to sync changes to or from your devices.

    I hope that helps, but please do let us know if you have more questions about that. Cheers! :)

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