G'Day from Down Under (Aus!) Love your app! Can you pls help with a 'split login' as follows?

Community Member

I have the standard account and password on the first page of a web site (share trading) which should be easy. However, I have to enter another password on making a trade. If I set up the first page as usual in 1Password, can I add the trading password using the gear symbol per your split-page log-in notes? Or do I have to use the gear symbol right from the start in order to add the trading password? (And can I do this with two fields for completion on the first page?)
I will need to use the trading password on an ad hoc basis - ie enter it each time to sell / buy - and this happens at various intervals, but multiple entry whilst on the site is probable (at times).
Hope that makes at least vague sense and thanks for your excellent product, support (my girlfriend raves about your client service) and finally brilliant humour sprinkled throughout your ebook etc.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.5.6
OS Version: OS X 10.11.4
Sync Type: wifi (yet to set up)
Referrer: kb:create-multi-page-login, kb:one-time-passwords, kb:create-multi-page-login


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Paul ( @Freddy2Shoes ),

    Good morning from (finally) sunny Toronto! Thanks for the kind words about 1Password - this might just be the most polite request for support I’ve ever seen, and I love it. :)

    Now, before we start talking about solutions for this particular Login, I want to make sure I understand what this whole system looks like:

    • You have a username and password to log into the site.
    • After logging in, you will be prompted for a different password when you make a trade.

    It’s a bit tricky to envision this process without actually mucking around on the site, but I think the easiest way to set this up is with two Login items. The first will be your username and password for the main site, and the second will be the alternate password used to confirm the trade. The reason we want separate items here is that 1Password won’t be able to differentiate between the two passwords in the one item. So, if you added your alternate password as a custom field to the first Login, it would be there for your reference, but it would not be fillable, and fillable is kinda what we want 1Password to do.

    So, for the main sign in page:

    1. Open the webpage and fill in your username and password. Do not click ‘sign in’.
    2. Open 1Password mini - using ⌘⌥\ ( Command-Option- \ ) or by clicking the icon in the menu bar - and select the gear icon to bring up the menu.
    3. Choose ‘Save new Login’ and give the item a unique title (that will differentiate it from the second item we’ll create next).
    4. Confirm the save.
    5. Before clicking the ‘sign in’ button, let’s test 1Password’s filling: clear the username and password fields.
    6. Use ⌘\ ( Command- \ ) to ask 1Password to fill - does it sign you in correctly?

    Now, once we’re logged in, our next task will be to create that second Login item. We can use the same process as above, but depending on how the site is set up, we may need to tweak the URL that 1Password saves. When you are prompted for this second password, take note of the web address: is it always the same, or does it change based on the trade that you’re making? 1Password will match the saved web address in the Login item with the page that you’re viewing to determine if it is appropriate to fill.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any questions, you know where to find us. :)

  • Freddy2Shoes
    Community Member

    Hi Megan,
    Thanks for the advice. URL does not change on making a trade, so I have saved an alternative password as a custom field. I didn't appreciate that feature and it will more than suffice, albeit requiring cutting and patching.
    Thanks again,
    PS The polite bit must be the POM in me!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Paul ( @Freddy2Shoes ),

    I’m glad that you’ve found a solution that works for you! Happy trading, and you know where to find us if you have any more questions about 1Password. :)

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