Is there any way to import data (CSV format) into a custom section?

Community Member


I want to import 100 authorisation codes relating to a credit card into 1P.

The codes are currently in plain text format, and could be formatted as CSV.

However, it seems as if I can only export/import a subset of data from 1P - i.e. the predefined fields, not custom fields such as the "TAN List" that I've created (see screenshot).

Is this correct? Is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.11.14
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:create-csv-files


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Hi @nonsavant,

    All fields after Notes in a CSV

    will import with generic field names 1, 2, ..., as seen below:

    If you want custom field names imported into a separate section (like your TAN List), I could add Credit Card support to the generic csv converter in the converter suite .

  • nonsavant
    Community Member

    Hi @MrC and thanks for the quick and informative reply.

    I think that it could work with the generic field names - just out of interest though, what determines the numbering scheme? I notice in your example that the numbering starts with 9.

    As long as I can be sure that the numbering will start at 1, then this would work for me.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @nonsavant,

    I’m so glad to see that @MrC is helping you out here - he’s our friendly neighbourhood export guru - if anyone can bend that .csv file to their will, it’s MrC. :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    The index is the column number of the CSV, so you won't be able to set its label upon import (you can edit the label name later). You'll also note that a CSV import changes the imported entry from stock Credit Card template a bit:

    Adding the CC support to the csv importer is no big deal, and then you can label the fields however you want and these custom fields will go into their own section.

  • nonsavant
    Community Member

    @MrC given that I want to import 100 numbers, and be able to find them again easily, it is essential that they be numbered with an index starting with 1. It looks like the default import options will not let me do this, so if you are happy to extend your csv importer, I'd be very grateful! Thank you in advance.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @nonsavant ,

    No problem. I'll get it done today, as I have a little time.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited May 2016

    @nonsavant ,

    The 1.09 version of the csv converter in Testing Bits, mentioned in the converter suite thread now supports credit card entries in a CSV. See the CSV converter section in the README for the requirements. Use the --addfields (or the simpler -a) option to cause the custom fields to go into the Original Fields section (instead of in the Notes section).


    The data used was:

    Title,"Card Number",Expires,"Cardholder",PIN,Bank,CVV,Notes,"TAN 1","TAN 2","TAN 3"
    "My Gold Card",55554444333322221111,03/2017,"Joe Blow",999,"Penny Pincher's Bank",543,"These are my notes",123,456,789
  • nonsavant
    Community Member

    @MrC Success! Thanks very much!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Woohoo! I'm guessing he is sleeping right now (as I should be), but I know he will be delighted to know everything is working well. :)

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