Downgrade versions from 6 to 5

Community Member

I just upgraded 1Password from 6 to 5. However, I'm unhappy with losing Smart Folders and "pronounceable" passwords. I don't see a download link for 1Password 5 on the official site. How can I downgrade?

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Downgrade from 6 to 5


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Arthaey,

    You can still create Smart Folders in 1Password 6. You can do so by going to File in 1Password and then "New Smart Folder". We have replaced pronounceable passwords with diceware passwords. Diceware passwords are as secure as pronounceable and even easier to deal with! Is there anything in particular that you like about pronounceable passwords that diceware doesn't do for you? We love to hear about our users opinions and how they use 1Password :chuffed:

    If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

  • Arthaey
    Community Member

    Diceware passwords aren't as secure as pronounceable ones at the same password length. And unfortunately, many sites (including Apple!) have a relatively short maximum number of characters for their passwords, which means I can't use the recommended 6 words for diceware passwords.

    As for Smart Folders, it turns out that the option only appears in the menu when a specific vault is selected; there's no indication (eg, a greyed out menu item) when All Vaults is the current view. But at least it's there somewhere. Maybe update the docs, if it doesn't already call that out?

  • chadseld

    Hi Arthaey,

    Previous versions can be downloaded from the change log screen. From the main page, click the "See what's new" link.

    Here is a direct link:

  • Arthaey
    Community Member

    Thanks for the direct link! I would not have guessed that "See what's new" would have the links to the older versions. ;)

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Arthaey,

    Thank you for telling us more about what you like in 1Password. I'm happy to hear that you are all set with the version of 1Password that suits your needs better!

    If you're interested in password strength and comparing the methods to generate passwords you might find this thread an interesting read. You'll find a long and detailed explanation by jpgoldberg, our security expert, on why we decided to let pronounceable go and opted for diceware instead. :chuffed:

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