The non-traditional window bar is killing my productivity! Please make it a normal window frame!

Community Member

I like the way info is organized within the window... but the window bar is only a normal Mac window in the upper left, and then cuts off to become active info. When you're on a laptop with a bajillion windows open, you simply cannot find where to grab and move the 1Password window. I will click the window behind it 75% of the time. That 25% percent I get it right is only because after three angering attempts to move the 1Password window and missing and going into another app, I finally get it right on the fourth attempt... after I'm already super frustrated and wasted my time getting back to the now buried 1Password window that I was trying to drag to another screen.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.5
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:The non-traditional window bar is killing my productivity!


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @daveu,

    I'm sorry to hear you've having a tough time trying to drag the 1Password window around! I'm assuming you're talking about the main 1Password app window, but please let us know if you mean the 1Password mini / browser extension window.

    Dragging the main 1Password app window should actually be nearly as easy as (if not easier than) dragging a normal Finder window. If 1Password is unlocked, you can click & drag it from anywhere along the top of that window - including the area next to the red/yellow/green buttons, the area surrounding the Search field, and the area near the top of the item details pane. Or if the app is locked, you can actually drag it from anywhere in that entire window (aside from the master password field).

    Can you please describe where you're trying to click in that window, or why you end up clicking in another app instead? I'd like to understand more about why you're having trouble with that so I can either let our developers know about it, or help you find an easier way to do that. Thanks in advance! :)

  • daveu
    Community Member

    Yes, it's the main app. This happens because my brain has been trained to drag a window by the area in the window bar to the right of the three red/yellow/green buttons. But because the bar does not extend to the end of the window in 1Password like it does in all other Mac apps, my brain instinctually clicks in the area ABOVE the content — where it expects the bar to be — but it's actually on a window BEHIND 1Password. Then the focus moves to that app and hides 1Password behind the other app's window. I appreciate that you were being efficient with the window space putting content all the way up to the top of the window... in theory. But in breaking the OS rules, it spins the user out of muscle memory traditions and creates a bad UX experience. So the feature becomes a bug.

    I've attached an image to illustrate the point. In the example, this is what my screen often looks like. And my eye recognizes I need to click to the right of buttons to drag the window, but then it doesn't want to click by the search bar in the content area because it's looking for a bar... so it reflexively goes to the bar of the "Untitled" document behind it.

  • Hi daveu,

    I'm not going to lie, I've accidentally clicked on another window's title bar for that very reason. Thanks for the detailed insight. We'll definitely keep it in mind for a future update.


  • vplewis
    Community Member

    Hi @daveu,
    If you switch the Item List Layout from "Left" to "Top" in the View Menu, you'll have what you want. HTH

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the helpful suggestion, @vplewis! :)

    @daveu, although the 'Top' layout doesn't look exactly like a Finder window, it's a bit closer than 'Left' layout and might be helpful for you.

  • daveu
    Community Member

    I'll give it a shot. Thanks all for your time and consideration.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! We're here for you if you need anything else. :)

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