1password Anywhere
This thread Moving Beyond 1PasswordAnywhere says "Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone or tablet that is always with them and can install the free 1Password app and take all their data with them. 1PasswordAnywhere simply isn’t required here anymore."
I'd like to say that this is very disappointing. I use this daily as I frequently use untrusted computers in the library, work, traveling etc. I feel that instead of owning up to the fact that it sucks that this service is coming to an end, the company is taking the stance that its not a big deal since everyone has their own trusted machines on them at all times. Meaning, as of now I cannot use 1password on untrusted machines. Period. My only recourse is to either carry around my own (trusted) usb drive, host my own (trusted) web server (?!), or purchase a monthly service from 1password.
I would like to let agilebits know that I am very disappointed.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @diego898,
I'm so sorry you're disappointed in 1PasswordAnywhere no longer working on Dropbox.com! And I'm also sorry you got the impression that we don't think this is a big deal - that's simply not the case, as we're aware a good amount of customers were still using 1PasswordAnywhere on the Dropbox website to access their data. It was a really handy feature! We know it's a big deal for those customers, which is why Dave posted his announcement (the one you referred to).
To be honest, I'm surprised 1PasswordAnywhere continued to work on dropbox.com as long as it did. 1PasswordAnywhere was an old feature designed years ago (originally around 2008, when smartphones were less prevalent than they are now) which is why the interface was a basic, shallow copy of 1Password 3. It was built into the old Agile Keychain format, relied on older Dropbox APIs, and had very limited capabilities (for example, it never had the ability to edit data or create new items). In addition to all that, it also had much weaker security than the main 1Password apps because 1PasswordAnywhere is a JavaScript app that can easily be modified to do malicious things. It was a great solution back when security concerns were less severe, but I wouldn't recommend using it on a public computer these days.
Now, as I briefly mentioned above, 1PasswordAnywhere relied on older Dropbox APIs in order to function on the dropbox.com website. In fact, Dropbox made necessary changes to their service over the years which should have caused 1PasswordAnywhere to stop working a long time ago. We're incredibly grateful and fortunate that they were able to make exceptions for 1PasswordAnywhere as long as they did! But security concerns today are much more severe than they used to be, and improvements to their security architecture meant those exceptions could no longer be made. It was the right decision as well as a necessary one.
As you mentioned, we do have some alternatives, but the problem of course is that those alternatives aren't necessarily the right fit for all customers who had been using 1PasswordAnywhere on Dropbox. You said you don't want to pay for a 1Password Families subscription in order to have web access to your data, and that's perfectly understandable. Web access is just one of the many great features of 1Password Families, but if it's the only feature you're interested in, I certainly wouldn't expect you to want to pay for a subscription.
If you happen to have an iOS or Android device, installing our free iOS or Android version of 1Password and syncing your data to it is probably your best option (and is more secure than using 1PasswordAnywhere on a public/untrusted computer). If that's an option for you, please let us know and we'll be more than happy to help you get that set up.
I truly apologize for the inconvenience, and I wish we had an alternative to 1PasswordAnywhere which was right for you. I hope that someday we will, but in the meantime, if you have more questions or concerns about this or need help with anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know!