Change 1 click bookmarks / web form details for use with Alfred

Community Member

I'm using 1password with Alfred. I'm not sure how to edit the address of the 1 click bookmarks.

I have tried editing the URL located under the default 'website' value.

I have also tried expanding the 'web form details' section, but I cannot see a URL there.

The problem I have is that some of the 1 click bookmarks have not saved the login url correctly (e.g they are saved with a promo code query string on the end), so each time I open it with Alfred, the wrong URL is executed and I get an error.

Is there a way for me to refresh 1 click bookmark data once I have edited the website URL manually? Or am I editing the wrong value altogether?

1Password Version: 6.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:change form fields url


  • Hi @cpw,

    Yes, you can edit the website value in the item. The best way to refresh the bookmark data is go to the Advanced preferences, turn off "Enable 3rd Party App Integrations" and then turn it back on again. That causes it to re-generate the bookmarks file that Alfred uses.


  • cpw
    Community Member

    @ag_kevin Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for your reply. I have tried that, and I have tried turning the setting on and off in Alfred, but still the bookmarks are not refreshed. Is there anything else I can try?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cpw,

    Toggling the Enable integration with 3rd party apps setting off and on should be regenerating the file that Alfred uses for 1Password 1Click Bookmarks.

    Let's dig deeper to figure out what's causing the trouble you're having. From your original post:

    I have tried editing the URL located under the default 'website' value.

    Are all those items you've edited in the Primary vault? 1Password integration with Alfred and other 3rd party apps is currently limited to Primary vault items and we're definitely looking at improving that in the future.

    The problem I have is that some of the 1 click bookmarks have not saved the login url correctly (e.g they are saved with a promo code query string on the end), so each time I open it with Alfred, the wrong URL is executed and I get an error.

    Are those the same URLs you're seeing for website values of those items in the Primary vault of the 1Password app?

    If you're updating website values for items in any other vaults that would explain why those changes aren't showing up in 1Password 1Click Bookmarks for Alfred.

    Testing here with Alfred 3.0.1, changes made to Login items in a Primary vault (e.g. updating URLs for website values) soon appeared under Preferences > Features > 1Password in Alfred:

    Toggling Enable 1Password Bookmarks off/on there also forces refreshing, which is something you could try.

    And here are settings I see after clicking the Advanced button:

    Do you have Discovery Automatically enabled there and does the filename path look similar (for 1Password from our website)? For 1Password from the Mac App Store, the path would look like this:

    /Users/sjk/Library/Containers/ Party Integration

    Hopefully that helps determine why changes you're making in 1Password haven't been reflected in 1Password 1Click Bookmarks for Alfred. Let us know if you're still stuck after this and we'll do more troubleshooting. Also mention which version of Alfred you've got, and if 1Password is from our website or the Mac App Store. Thanks!

  • cpw
    Community Member


    Just wanted to check in and say, first of all, sorry I didn't reply to the detailed reply you wrote me before.

    I was unable to solve the problem, but it has now been resolved with the latest Alfred update. Results from family / team vaults are also shown in Alfred 1password bookmarks now, so everything is working nicely :)

    From the Alfred 3.2 changelog:

    1Password Integration

    • 1Password integration updated to be compatible with 1Password 6.5+
    • Alfred now shows results from multiple vaults, including 1Password Families / Teams
    • All items are now shown from your 1Password
    • Logins are opened directly in your default browser
    • Other items (such as Secure Notes) are opened in 1Password mini
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2016

    Oh, that's great! No worries! I'm glad to hear that it's not only working for you, but Alfred has released this as a stable version as well. I bet you were just holding out on us for the right moment to share this exciting news. Cheers! ;)

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