my about screen shows "last modified Dec 31, 1969 1800PM." Why?

Community Member

It's not a problem. Everything seems to work fine. But I'm curious. There were no Macs in 1969 and, I suspect, no Agilebits.


1Password Version: 4.4
Extension Version: ?
OS Version: OS X 10.11.5
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:why last update in 1969?


  • GeoffK
    Community Member

    I was wrong. I'm using 6.2.1. However, when I open 1Password it opens to an entry for 1Password 4. It no longer has the "last modified" line. This screen is only there when "All items" is the active side bar menu. It disappears when I go to "Logins.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GeoffK,

    You have indeed found an interesting issue! It sounds like you might have multiple copies of 1Password that are conflicting. You can go to Finder on your mac, Application and search there for 1Password. If you have more than one copy delete the extra or outdated ones and see if it helps!

    Please let us know how this goes for you :chuffed:

  • GeoffK
    Community Member

    Thanks Pilar. Here's a screen cp of what I found. I went to the agile keychain but couldn't get to the next item listed in the bottom bar (the data folder).Could those 3 1Password files have e something to do with it? But then... how would they get me back to 1069?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2016


    Sorry for the confusion, and I hope you like movies. :)

    The date is calculated using what's known in the biz as "Unix time". It is represented as a number of seconds since the "Unix epoch": 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. If the date is damaged, unreadable, or simply recorded in a different format it can come up with what appears to be something out of Back to the Future.

    It sounds like two different copies of 1Password on your Mac may have been competing to write data there and caused a tiny "glitch in The Matrix".

    We fixed some date-related bugs in newer versions of 1Password, so you shouldn't have any more trouble. Any past dates can be resolved by editing the item to set a modified date in the present day. However, you won't be able to set it to The Day After Tomorrow. ;)

    Hope that helps. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.

  • GeoffK
    Community Member

    Thanks khad. This helps.

    I'm not fond of movies but I did watch and enjoy Back to the Future and one of its sequels and the first Matrix. (I only like movies when they are non-violent and unbelievable. )

    I have updated 1Password quite faithfully and may have some old stuff lurking somewhere. As long as it's not doing harm I'll leave well enough alone. I assume it's OK to leave those 3 mystery 1Password files in wherever they are?

    thanks for your help.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GeoffK,

    On behalf of Khad, you're very welcome! I'm glad his explanation was helpful - and hopefully entertaining as well. ;)

    If you have items in your vault that show the wrong modified date, that shouldn't cause any problems (although it might cause a little confusion if you sort your item list by "date modified"). You can certainly leave them alone if you'd like, or you can simply click the Edit button for one of those items in the main 1Password app, then click Save to update the modified date (you don't actually have to make any changes, just click Edit and then Save).

    I assume it's OK to leave those 3 mystery 1Password files in wherever they are?

    I'm not sure which files you're asking about. Can you elaborate on that? Where exactly are you seeing those files, what kind of files are they, and what are their names? Are you seeing them within the 1Password app or somewhere in the files/folders on your Mac? Thanks!

  • GeoffK
    Community Member

    Thanks again. The files are the result of a 1Password search in the finder. I copied it to Pilar but I can't find it on this thread now. So here it is again.

    Well, I think here it is. I see a bunch of numerical gibberish that I assume is the screen shot of my search for "1Password" in my finder. The 3 files ending in "password" are the ones I mean. At the bottom of the screen cap is the path to find them... except I couldn't figure out how to go past the 1password agilekeychain. I'll attache another screen cap which is a screen cap of the first screen cap but of 2 of the 1Password files.

    Hmmm. More gibberish. Well, I'm taking way to much of your time for a problem that isn't really a problem. I really appreciate the friendly and accepting help from you folks at Agilebits!


  • Hi @GeoffK ,

    I can confirm you can leave those files alone. Anything that is inside the .agilekeychain package can be left alone.


  • GeoffK
    Community Member

    Thanks Kevin. And again thanks to all the folks at AgileBits for the help.


  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    On everyone who contributed to this thread's behalf, you're welcome! Please let us know if there's ever anything else we can help with :)

This discussion has been closed.