Clear previously used passwords

Community Member

Over time, I've added and rearranged fields in many of the entries I use. Now that I'm creating new vaults for my family members, I find it easier to copy some of my own items to the new vault and then change the info for the new user, rather than recreating all those customized items. But this also copies the "previously used passwords" field and data. This is not good.

Please allow users to clear previously used passwords. This is probably really only important for Families and Teams users, but it might be wise to make it an across-the-board feature. Thanks.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MDBrown: We can certainly consider that, but I think you'll find that using Duplicate works better than Copy, since that will remove previously used passwords. After all, for the newly created item (which is not a copy), it has no history. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion! We have a few other ideas that might help with this too. :)

  • MDBrown
    Community Member

    Thanks. Please give more information. I can't find Duplicate anywhere. I only see Move and Copy. I'm looking in the iOS app and in the web app.

    And I'd appreciate hearing your other ideas too.

  • Jacob

    @MDBrown Ah, sorry for the confusion. To duplicate an item in 1Password for iOS, just use Move and Copy, then copy the item to the vault it's already in. Nice little trick. From, just choose the share menu at the top of the item and click Duplicate:

    The other ideas brenty mentioned are changes we might make to the apps in the future. We don't discuss those publicly. :) Hope this helps though!

  • MDBrown
    Community Member

    Boy that's tricky. I never would have found that. But it works. Thanks.

  • Jacob

    @MDBrown Yeah, it could be more present. It's not a feature many people use, though, so I can see why it's hidden a bit. Thanks for asking! :)

  • MikeZ
    Community Member

    @brenty I disagree, both "copy" and "move" from a private to a shared vault keeps the password history. Just tested it on 1pw mac: create a new entry, save, change pw, save, copy to shared vault. The copy still has the history.

    I have the same use case: I have a bunch of non-generated passwords in my collection. Would like move a login to a shared vault, but before doing so I change my passwords. That's all great, but not so when the other person can see my 'secret passwords' in the history!

    I know I can duplicate, then share the copy. But it's fiddly and should a really, really simple feature to implement. I can see people have been asking for this for years, just a button to clear the history. Please?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @brenty I disagree, both "copy" and "move" from a private to a shared vault keeps the password history. Just tested it on 1pw mac: create a new entry, save, change pw, save, copy to shared vault. The copy still has the history.

    @MikeZ: I'm sorry for the confusion here. I wasn't disagreeing with you. As I mentioned, Duplicate does not include password history, but Copy and Move do. MDBrown was using Copy but didn't want password history retained, which is why I suggested Duplicate. A duplicated item is a brand new item using the original as a sort of "template".

    I have the same use case: I have a bunch of non-generated passwords in my collection. Would like move a login to a shared vault, but before doing so I change my passwords. That's all great, but not so when the other person can see my 'secret passwords' in the history!
    I know I can duplicate, then share the copy. But it's fiddly and should a really, really simple feature to implement. I can see people have been asking for this for years, just a button to clear the history. Please?

    As both penderworth and I said, it's a feature we can consider. But it would, quite ironically, duplicate (ha) the Duplicate option to some degree. I may not fully understand you're use case, so please forgive me and clarify if you can. But to me it sounds like you're making a lot of extra work for yourself with or without the proposed feature. After all, why should you need to change a password before sharing a login? And even if you do, unless the old password is one you're still re-using for other logins, giving someone else access to a defunct password as part of the item's history won't make any difference. Let me know what you think!

  • MikeZ
    Community Member

    @brenty sorry I misunderstood your fist post to mean a copy removes the history. On re-reading, it is clear you mean only duplicate removed the history.

    I am sure I can't be the only person in this scenario: I have >200 passwords collected from prior to using a password manager, many of them have the same password "supersecret" (*). Now, if I want to share one of them, I need to change the pw first, because I don't want the other person to know my super secret password to everything else. Once changed online and in 1pw, I can move it to the shared vault.

    I would suspect many users would do this without realising they're sharing their password history. This should definitely be made clearer.

    So I need to: duplicate it, move the duplicate to the shared vault, delete the original (because I don't want two), and also the very minor but equally needless step of renaming the newly created duplicate.

    Simple process: Change password, delete history, move to shared vault.

    (*) In reality I used a password scheme to set my passwords, and if someone sees it it would not be completely obvious what my passwords are, but it's easier to explain.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @MikeZ I agree that this system could be improved, and I hope we'll be able to address it in the future. I've passed your feedback on to the dev team. 8-)

    In the meantime, the good news is that even if the workaround is a little wonky, there is a workaround :)

    ref: B5-1183

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