Same Credentials for husband and wife

Community Member

We oth use 1 password today and sync with dropbox. Works great and it's simple. I've set up a test family account and can see that when I invite my wife, she'll have a separate key and master password, and that complicates things. I know that we'd have individual private vaults if we did it that way but ... Could we both just use the same login and master password (and by implication key)? We'd use this across our macs, iPhones and iPads. Aside from not having individual private vaults, is there any downside? Will it work?

1Password Version: Latest
Extension Version: Latest
OS Version: Latest
Sync Type: dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kross76: It isn't something I'd recommend, but you can certainly do that if you wish. However, I will say that after sharing a vault via Dropbox for years myself, it's really nice to have my very own Master Password again — and not having to try to decide by committee what it should be. :lol:

    Also, while it may not matter to you right now, down the road (especially as you get more and more data in your vaults), you may really appreciate being able to have your data separate. If nothing else, having a single Facebook login makes ⌘ \ in 1Password for Mac that much sweeter, since I don't have to select between multiple logins each time; 1Password just logs me in.

    Ultimately I think the real question should be is there any reason not to have separate 1Password Accounts? After all, you get 5 anyway, and one of the coolest things about having a 1Password Family (or Team) is being able to do account recovery for each other if one of you gets locked out. Let me know what you think! :)

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