Since I have the paid version I can't sync anymore with my smartphone and tablet. What should I do

Community Member

Since I have the paid version I can't sync to my smatphone and tablet anymore. What should I do?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows 10 vs Android
Sync Type: all and esp. Wifi
Referrer: forum-search:Since I have the paid version I can't sync anymore with my smartphone and tablet. What should I do


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @m_baken,

    I'm sorry if there's some confusion with 1Password and the different ways in which it works! What exactly do you mean by "the paid version"? Do you mean since you purchased pro features for Android?

    You can only do Wi-Fi Sync between one desktop and one mobile device, so you won't be able to sync directly your smartphone and tablet. Dropbox would probably make this easier for you! You can see how to do that here:

    When you try to sync via Wi-Fi, can you please give us some more details on what you're experiencing? At which point exactly do you find trouble with the syncing? Having a better picture of the issue will make it easier for us to help you! :chuffed:

  • m_baken
    Community Member

    Thanks Pilar,
    It works now. What happended is that wifi sync from desktop to mobile device, on the mobile devices, gave the message that I had to buy 1passport first. And so, both on desktop as well on mobile device wifi sync stayed inactive. I had tried several times during several weeks. Why it is working now I don't know, but it does. Thanks for your magics :)

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Michael (@m_baken),

    I guess 1Password got word that we'd make it work and decided to cooperate ;) I'm glad to hear it's all up and running now, if you bump into any other issues or need help with anything else, please don't hesitate to ask! We're always here to help :chuffed:

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