How fussy are Rich icons for matching?

Community Member
edited June 2016 in Mac


I have done a search on the forums for this question because it's probably been asked before but there are sooo many posts about RI I couldn't find the info I needed.

My question is how exact does the item description have to be to download a Rich Icon. For example if your database calls it 'Windows' and in my 1P database I decide to name it 'MS Windows Professional 10' is the Rich Icon going to match and download? What exactly is the criteria for a match?

I also have the same question when it pulls an icon direct from your Application folder, although I presume that has to be an exact match?

Is there a way to browse the data?

Can I request icons be added to the database, do I just post here? The database seems to be missing some which I would have thought are quite high profile and widely used apps.


1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • nmott
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2016

    Hi @steve23094,

    My question is how exact does the item description have to be to download a Rich Icon. For example if your database calls it 'Windows' and in my 1P database I decide to name it 'MS Windows Professional 10' is the Rich Icon going to match and download? What exactly is the criteria for a match?

    When it comes to applications we match the Rich Icon to the name of the item. For websites, though, the Rich Icon is determined by the domain. So with licenses you'll want to leave the title alone; with logins you can do whatever you want to the title :)

    Is there a way to browse the data?

    What data do you mean? You can view an item's details in the fittingly-named item details view. So far as browsing our Rich Icons, I do not believe we have a way for anyone to do that.

    Can I request icons be added to the database, do I just post here? The database seems to be missing some which I would have thought are quite high profile and widely used apps.

    Could you please post the URLs of the sites you are looking for Rich Icons for, along with high quality images1 that represent each?

    We are currently adding icons manually as they're requested, but it's not always been that way. Indeed, we have tens of thousands of rich icons saved for different domains, and we certainly didn't add them all manually. :chuffed:

    At this point, though, the process is manual. As such it may take a while before we are able to add any particular site. We hope to start automatically retrieving icons again soon, but with all the other super-cool-and-super-secret projects going on, it hasn't happened just yet. Thanks for helping us out with this!

  • steve28236
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    Hi @nmott,

    When it comes to applications we match the Rich Icon to the name of the item. For websites, though, the Rich Icon is determined by the domain. So with licenses you'll want to leave the title alone; with logins you can do whatever you want to the title :)

    I'm mainly enquiring about Rich Icons for Software Licences, not website logins. To clarify, does the name of the software license have to exactly match the name in the Applications folder?

    What data do you mean? You can view an item's details in the fittingly-named item details view. So far as browsing our Rich Icons, I do not believe we have a way for anyone to do that.

    I mean is there a way to browse your data where the Rich Icons are stored? This is to make sure I am using the correct application name so it can pull the icon. Otherwise I might be sending requests for icons that are already available.

    These are the software applications that appear to be missing rich icons:-

    Call Recorder for FaceTime
    Camptune X
    DVD Profiler
    Elite: Dangerous
    Guild Wars 2
    Movie Collector Pro
    NTFS for Mac

    These are the titles I have used in my 1P database, let me know if I have used the wrong name. I have left out a number of lesser known items but some of these are very widely used. Please let me know if you need any further information (such as the name of the publisher or their website).


    EDIT: Just re-reading your post. Do you need me to post images for these? You say 'high quality', what is the minimum you will accept?

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni


    I'm mainly enquiring about Rich Icons for Software Licences, not website logins. To clarify, does the name of the software license have to exactly match the name in the Applications folder?

    There's some wiggle room (you can say 1Password instead of 1Password 6, for example) but for the most part it has to match.

    I mean is there a way to browse your data where the Rich Icons are stored? This is to make sure I am using the correct application name so it can pull the icon. Otherwise I might be sending requests for icons that are already available.

    Not at this time :)

    These are the titles I have used in my 1P database, let me know if I have used the wrong name. I have left out a number of lesser known items but some of these are very widely used. Please let me know if you need any further information (such as the name of the publisher or their website).

    Have you tried dragging the app onto 1Password? If you do it should pull an image from the app that can be used for the icon. Otherwise you can also set custom icons by selecting an item, clicking Edit, double-clicking the icon, then selecting an image of your choosing.

    Do you need me to post images for these? You say 'high quality', what is the minimum you will accept?

    Preferred icon image size is 512x512, minimum 180x180. Any format (PNG, JPEG, TIFF) works. But let's try drag-and-drop first :)

  • steve28236
    Community Member
    edited June 2016


    Have you tried dragging the app onto 1Password? If you do it should pull an image from the app that can be used for the icon. Otherwise you can also set custom icons by selecting an item, clicking Edit, double-clicking the icon, then selecting an image of your choosing.

    In almost all cases I have managed to use various levels of trickery to get icons. But it's a chore and I figure considering some of these titles are pretty big names they would benefit everybody else from being included in your RI database. When I use my own icons I regularly run into the problem where the background of the icon is not see-through, i.e. when the icon is highlighted in the 1P app there is an ugly white square around it, this is a transparency problem (I notice a number of other posters have already brought this to your attention).

    I will get back to you on all of the items I listed, but to get the ball rolling...

    Call Recorder for FaceTime: does not have a standalone app, it's installed alongside FaceTime.
    CloneDVD: is a Windows app. I use the OS X (or should I say macOS now?) and iOS versions of 1P. So I can't drag and drop.
    NTFS for Mac: not a standalone app, installs into the Preferences pane.
    SteerMouse: not a standalone app, installs into the Preferences pane.
    TrackPad++: Windows app.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @steve23094 thanks for following up.

    You should be able to drag items that install in the Preferences pane into 1Password to get a custom icon; one of my co-workers did just that earlier today and it worked fine.

    So far as the rest goes, at this point I recommend continuing to use the custom icons. It's not ideal, and I can file an issue with our dev team to add any icons you send over to the Rich Icons server, but I'm not sure when everything would be updated to support them.

  • steve28236
    Community Member
    edited June 2016


    Some of these items can be ignored. When I originally entered the license details rich icons did not exist. As I'm mucking around more I am discovering that since my entry into my 1P database rich icons have been uploaded to your system.

    Ignore: Camptune X, NTFS for Mac (although the icon is a bit weird, not the correct one but I will live with it) and SongKong.

    Does iOS and OS X use different RI databases? I have confirmed I am using the RI database on both iOS and OS X by turning it off, the icons turn into the pencil, brush, ruler. Turning it back on this is what is downloaded:-

    OS X


    I am going to continue playing around so the list of icons I'm reporting as missing in your database may change.

  • steve28236
    Community Member


    Aha!!! I think I have cracked it. Ignore my previous post.

    What's happening is 1P on my Mac is successfully picking up the icons for the installed apps. All of those are working well with a couple of exceptions. For clarity I'll start this all over again, ignore my previous posts about what is missing and what is not.

    Steermouse is a Preference Pane, there is no app. You have advised dragging this to 1P. Have you tried dragging a Pref Pane? I'm pretty sure you can't, am I missing something?

    Call Recorder for FaceTime is not an app, it's not a Pref Pane, it's a special module installed alongside FaceTime. 1P is never going to pick this up. I'll see what I can do about this, I might end up sending you an icon.

    The reason for discrepancy in the iStat Menus icons in my post above is because the first image is the correct icon, being picked up from the copy installed on my Mac. The second picture is what's in the AgileBits Rich Icons database.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @steve23094,

    I wanted to jump in here and help while @nmott is busy with other things …

    Aha!!! I think I have cracked it. Ignore my previous post.

    Too late. :lol:

    What's happening is 1P on my Mac is successfully picking up the icons for the installed apps. All of those are working well with a couple of exceptions.

    For any apps installed in the system /Applications folder, corresponding Software License items (with titles matching app names) should be picking up icons from the app bundles.

    Steermouse is a Preference Pane, there is no app. You have advised dragging this to 1P. Have you tried dragging a Pref Pane? I'm pretty sure you can't, am I missing something?

    You're right; Preference Panes can't be directly dragged and dropped into 1Password to create Software License items. But if you create a Software License for SteerMouse, then drag SteerMouse.prefPane while in edit mode and drop it on the image placeholder next to the title and save the item, it'll have the SteerMouse icon as custom icon. Similar to this:

    And it'll generally work like that with most files and 1Password items, such as:

    Call Recorder for FaceTime is not an app, it's not a Pref Pane, it's a special module installed alongside FaceTime. 1P is never going to pick this up. I'll see what I can do about this, I might end up sending you an icon.

    If there's a file associated with Call Recorder for FaceTime that has an icon you want to use, try dragging that to the image placeholder of an item in edit mode, as explained above, and see if that gives you the desired result.

    The reason for discrepancy in the iStat Menus icons in my post above is because the first image is the correct icon, being picked up from the copy installed on my Mac. The second picture is what's in the AgileBits Rich Icons database.

    Bingo! I see exactly the same thing, for the exactly the same reason. Plus the one missing for the Bartender 2 Software License item in 1Password for iOS.

    I'll be looking into getting more of the missing/outdated icons added/updated so they're available through our rich icon server, but don't know when those changes might appear.

    Please let us if there's anything more we can help you with. Thanks for questioning this and your time with investigating it. :)

  • steve28236
    Community Member


    I'm in the process of fixing all of these up. Whilst I have your attention... I'm running into this problem

    Was this ever fixed? Is there a work around?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @steve23094,

    Do you have a specific current example of that failure. There have been fixes made for issues with custom icons having a white background, but it sounds like they're incomplete or there's been some regression.

  • steve28236
    Community Member
    edited June 2016


    Also the same thing with Movie Collector and SteerMouse (they're on my iMac, I'm currently on my MacBook).

    When 1P detects the app in the Application folder and automatically loads the icon, it's fine. But because these icons are not stored in the RI database, I have to copy and paste my own versions of the icons so they propagate to my iOS devices and other OS X devices where the apps are not installed.

    EDIT: I just noticed iStat Menus has the same problem. I think you implied you have iStat too. What do you see when you copy and paste the icon from iStat over the entry in 1P?

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    I really can't figure out this transparency problem, it's doing my head in.

    Some icons are okay, others are not. It doesn't matter if I drag the app into the icon section of 1P whilst editing, or if I initially extract the icons using Preview and then copy and paste. In preview and other third party apps the rogue icons are displaying correctly with transparency. I can't see any difference between the icons that do work and don't work.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @steve23094 thanks for following up here. Unfortunately this is a pernicious issue that has proven difficult to quash. I've passed your feedback on to the dev team and I hope we'll have a fix available at some point :)

    ref: OPM-1478

  • steve28236
    Community Member


    Do you know if the problem is consistent for everybody? Is it related to the icons themselves and the interaction with 1P, or is there an issue with something unique to my machine?

    I think @sjk uses iStat Menus too. Can anybody else reproduce the issue with this app? i.e. Dragging or copying and pasting the icon into 1P results in this transparency problem.

    I am using 1P v6.3.1 and iStat v5.11

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @steve23094,

    One thing that make this "a pernicious issue that has proven difficult to quash" (as @nmott put it) is that it's not consistent for everyone. :(

    I think @sjk uses iStat Menus too. Can anybody else reproduce the issue with this app? i.e. Dragging or copying and pasting the icon into 1P results in this transparency problem.

    I haven't been able to reproduce it with that or any other of your specific examples, e.g.:

    Also the same thing with Movie Collector and SteerMouse (they're on my iMac, I'm currently on my MacBook).

    See the SteerMouse image in my earlier reply. And here's a Software License created by dragging the TouchCopy app from the downloaded DMG into 1Password:

    Even on Macs both with and without retina displays, in case that might be a factor.

    My hunch is that 1Password is detecting certain images being added as custom icons are too large, then converts them to JPEG format. From my reply in the older discussion you linked to:

    Please run Help > Troubleshooting > Show Application Log from the 1Password menu and check for messages containing text like this:

    S customIconChanged:withData: | Original image size is too big (over 16384 bytes): 26632 bytes E setCustomIconImage:fileData: | Failed to set custom icon as PNG, data is too large: 26632 bytes. Trying JPEG: 6452 bytes.

    Overly large PNG image files being converted to JPEG appears to be the reason behind Sebastian's problem and might also be causing yours.

    That's probably similar to what you'll see when trying to add images that end up with white backgrounds on their custom icons. And like Rick said in the same discussion:

    it's quite possibly machine-dependent in behaviour

    That's a reason for why it's inconsistent and also when it's been irreproducible for me.

    You mentioned:

    … , or if I initially extract the icons using Preview and then copy and paste.

    I suspect you won't have the transparency issue manually resizing one of those icons to under 16384 bytes before adding it to a 1Password item.

  • steve28236
    Community Member


    I suspect you won't have the transparency issue manually resizing one of those icons to under 16384 bytes before adding it to a 1Password item.

    I shrank them as small as 9227 bytes and still have the same problem, so I'm afraid this is not a solution (although I wish it was). I'm going to post icons here in 512*512 and ask that you load them into your database. That should hopefully fix the problem and it will benefit other people.

  • steve28236
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    @sjk @nmott

    Please load this image into your Rich Icons database. Application name is Camptune X.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please load this image into your RI database. Technically, when installed into the Applications folder the filename is Elite Dangerous Launcher but really the game is called Elite Dangerous or to be even more precise it's Elite: Dangerous, but use whatever you think is best.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add this image to your RI database. Application name is Guild Wars 2.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add this image to your RI database. Application name is MacOptimizer.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add this image to your RI database. Application name is Movie Collector.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add this image to the RI database. Application name is SteerMouse.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add this image to the RI database. When installed in the Applications folder it's name is TouchCopy12. Although it's probably more accurate to call it TouchCopy. You decide which is best based on your standards.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add the following icon to the RI database. Application name is Winclone.

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    @sjk @nmott

    Please add the following icon to the RI database. This company sells two apps with similar names, Call Recorder for FaceTime and Call Recorder for Skype. I have Call Recorder for FaceTime, but if you just call it Call Recorder I suppose that will cover both versions.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Please load this image into your RI database. Technically, when installed into the Applications folder the filename is Elite Dangerous Launcher but really the game is called Elite Dangerous or to be even more precise it's Elite: Dangerous, but use whatever you think is best.

    @steve23094: Unfortunately we're not going to be able to account for various app naming schemes, so it isn't feasible to add custom rich icons for apps at this time. The filenames can vary, and the names themselves often change over time as well. We can be more accommodating with logins because domain names are registered and do not change frequently or have pseudonyms. We'll try to see if we can improve 1Password's logic for determining these automatically, but the best thing to do in cases where the app doesn't match the name you want to use for Software License is edit it and add the icon yourself. This also allows for more customizability. Now, I know what you're thinking...

    In almost all cases I have managed to use various levels of trickery to get icons. But it's a chore and I figure considering some of these titles are pretty big names they would benefit everybody else from being included in your RI database. When I use my own icons I regularly run into the problem where the background of the icon is not see-through, i.e. when the icon is highlighted in the 1P app there is an ugly white square around it, this is a transparency problem (I notice a number of other posters have already brought this to your attention).>

    But this is actually due to App Store policy. I know that sounds crazy, but we're not allowed to use the same image processing library in the Mac App Store version of 1Password that we use in the AgileBits Store version. This isn't something that will change unless the rules are loosened. However, since the "white background" alpha issue does not affect the AgileBits Store version of 1Password, you can use that instead. Just shoot us an email at with a copy of your Mac App Store receipt and we can set that up for you. Cheers! :)

  • steve28236
    Community Member


    Okay, that's a shame. Email sent.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @steve23094: I hear you. I'm not holding my breath, but perhaps it will be possible for the Mac App Store version of 1Password to take advantage of the same image processing in the future. :blush:

    I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. Cheers! :)

    ref: CXA-99833-383

  • steve28236
    Community Member

    I'm just posting for the benefit of anybody that comes across this thread in future. I can confirm that the Agilebits version of 1Password (as opposed to the Mac App Store) does indeed import icons correctly without the white border.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up! It's definitely a confusing issue. Hopefully it will be possible for the Mac App Store version to use better image processing someday. :blush:

This discussion has been closed.