1 Password Mini - no option to open 1 Password

Community Member

How come there is no option to open 1 Password from the 1 Password mini?

I'm kidding. There is. But it takes three clicks to get to it. Why?

Can anyone out there find another menu bar application that doesn't let you click on the menu bar icon and open the app without menu diving? I've been begging Agile Bits for years to put it in the main menu bar, but they seem to think people will use the mini to access, say "Software Licenses" and "Tags" more than to open the actual app the icon represents. Grrrr...

For power users, we need quick access to 1 Password. For non-power users, it would help them to see the option to open the app where every other app places that option - in the menu. Please?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided

1p.gif 628.2K


  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hi @brewster71,

    I am sorry to hear about your frustration with this aspect of 1Password.

    From my understanding 1Password Mini exists to help users get to their 1Password information (logins, credit cards, etc) quickly without having the navigate the full App.

    If you want to get the to Full 1Password App quickly I recommend using the Spotlight Search Bar by pressing CMD+Space and then typing '1p' and 1Password will come up. Then just hit enter and the Full App will launch.

    In addition to launching Apps the Spotlight Search Bar allows you to search for files and do a whole lot of other things without having to touch your mouse or trackpad. https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21933?locale=en_US

    It would be helpful to understand what you are trying to access that requires going into the full 1Password App. Can you elaborate more on that?

  • Hi @brewster71,

    If you click on the Gear button next to the "Search 1Password" text it will reveal a menu that includes an open 1Password menu item.


  • brewster71
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    "It would be helpful to understand what you are trying to access that requires going into the full 1Password App"

    "From my understanding 1Password Mini exists to help users get to their 1Password information (logins, credit cards, etc) quickly without having the navigate the full App."

    I appreciate the response, but asking me what I need to use the main app for isn't really helpful. I am simply asking for a logical reason there isn't an option to open 1Password right in the main menu bar (not a submenu), like there is with _every other menu bar application in existence. _

  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hi @brewster71,

    As I mentioned above my "logical reason" as to why there isn't a direct link to the App in the Mini is because the intention of the Mini is to give you quick access to the data in 1P. It puts the data at the immediate access point with a submenu option for access the main App if you need to change preferences, etc.

    Without understanding why you need access to the full App I cannot give you much more than that.

    Since you mentioned this:

    For power users, we need quick access to 1 Password.

    I figured the Spotlight Search option would be preferred since it is faster as you do not have to take your hands off your keyboard.

    Personally I use Alfred for launching Apps but also for accessing 1Password data directly:

    As a side note when I click through my Menu bar applications there are a few that don't have a direct link to the main App:



  • brewster71
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    "I figured the Spotlight Search option would be preferred since it is faster as you do not have to take your hands off your keyboard"

    No need to worry about preferred launch apps. This is about 1Password's UI. If you must know, I use LaunchBar, but because 1Password starts with a number, and I prefer to use numbers to do instant calculations, I can't launch it without annoying customization....which I really shouldn't have to do if AB would just put the ability to open 1Password from it's menu bar without having to make three clicks.

    I'm still not hearing a solid reason for keeping it out of the main menu. Apple knows it's UI, so it makes sense to follow their example, no? No need to reinvent the wheel. It's poor treatment of your users to take something that's practically universal (being able to open an app from the main menu) and moving it for no logical reason. If the intent is to give "quick access to the data in 1P", doesn't it follow that people would be using 1Password a lot? And therefore would need "quick access" to it's other features (pruning several sites at once, managing vaults, audits).

    All in all, I'm just not hearing a sound argument against having the option in the main bar. Can you clear that up for me?

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @brewster71 Roger can't clear that up at the moment because he's not a member of the AgileBits staff, he's an enthusiastic user who's trying to help someone else posting on the forum.

    We know that people would like to make it easier to open the main 1Password app right from 1Password mini, and I've added your comments to the internal tracking system we use. I can't promise if or when it will change but we appreciate the feedback :)

    ref: OPM-2982

  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hi @brewster71,

    You make good points about adding this to the main menu. Perhaps Agile Bits will put it on their roadmap.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey guys,

    A hotkey for opening the main 1Password app from 1Password mini can be configured under System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts, e.g.:

    Hope that helps! :)

  • brewster71
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it. Rereading my post, I sound pretty terse, which isn't my intent. I just really want to see the option to open from main menu, but I realize that I am only one person and 1Password was not designed for my use alone!

  • rogerdodger
    Community Member

    Hey @brewster71 no worries.

    Maybe the solution @sjk proposed will help you in the meantime.

    Have a great day!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    As rogerdodger said, no worries! We appreciate the feedback - after all, how else would we know what sort of changes our customers would like us to make? Even though we can't make every single change that our customers request, the changes that we do make are often based on customer feedback.

    We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

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