Very confused about adding family member

Community Member

I have gone through the following steps:
1) Generated invite email to family member
2) Family member followed instructions in email
3) I saw response from family member, authorized them, and enabled their access to a vault.

I am now confused about the next step, i.e. what does the family member do in their 1Password app (running on a Mac) to get access o the vault? If I use the add account capability and fill in my data, i.e. email, key, and password, then they get access to my personal and shared vault, as far as I can see. What am I missing?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • telephoneman
    Community Member

    What you did that's all. The vaults from teams are automatically added in the app. What are you missing?

  • rjh
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    Hello @formula155
    Sorry you're finding adding family members confusing.
    As telephoneman already stated, you have already done everything that is necessary. You've invited members and added them to a vault.
    Now, if they open 1Password on their computer, the can enter their access details and can view/use the shared vault's contents.
    It really is as simple as that.

    If you have further questions, or have encountered a specific problem, please ask away here.
    We are always ready to help.


    ● Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a member of the AgileBits team.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2016

    @formula155, @telephoneman, @rjh: I'll just add one more thing that we may be taking for granted here:

    4) Login to the 1Password Account on each device.

    It's easy to overlook, but once each family member is invited, has setup their account, and has been confirmed, they'll need to use their email address, account URL, Account Key, and Master Password to login — either in the app or in a web browser. Then any vaults they have access to will be available to them there. Cheers! :)

  • formula155
    Community Member

    So what's confusing me is I don't know what the user specific information I need to enter is. I know their email address, and I assume the URL and the Account key are the ones I'm using to access the family account, but is their master password the same as the one as I use to login? Surely each user gets their own password?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @formula155 ,

    I assume the URL and the Account key are the ones I'm using to access the family account

    The URL for your Family account is the same, but each user will get their very own Master Password, and a unique Account Key as well.)

    2) Family member followed instructions in email

    When your family member went through this process, they would have chosen a Master Password and been presented with their Account Key.

    As Brenty mentions above, the next step is for your family member to sign in to their 1Password account on their devices, using the following information:

    1. Their unique Master Password
    2. Their unique Account Key
    3. The URL for your Families account.

    If they have their Emergency Kit printed or saved, they can use the QR code provided there to bypass typing in the Account Key.

    I hope this helps, but if you have more questions, we're here for you!

  • gsiemon
    Community Member


    If I understand you correctly you have setup several users, lets call them A, B & C, in your Families account. You'd like access to some of their passwords and have been trying to enter their email address, account key and password on your device for A, B, & C. Right?

    If this is the case, you're doing it wrong! :-)

    The way 1Password for Families works is that you only login once (ie as you) using the URL, the Master Password and Account Key for your account. A, B & C do the same thing on their devices only (ie using the URL and their Master Password and Account Keys). Note: You do not need to know, and should not ever know their account keys!

    At this point everyone is now able to access the same Families account. Everyone will be able to see Passwords saved in the Shared Vault. If you want to be more selective as to who should have access to passwords, then you'll need to create a new vault using the 1Password for Families Website (ie accessed via your URL) and choose who has access to the vault (eg A & B but not C).

    Hope this helps.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    I'm not sure if you are correct about what @formula155 was trying to do, but it sounds like you are right about that.

    In any event, everything you wrote is spot on. :+1:

    Each person has their own account that is part of the family. No one should have access to anyone else's Account Key or Master Password. Those are personal and private.

  • formula155
    Community Member

    So it turns out my other family member had written down the key and password info and had forgotten to mention that to me . Everything is now working fine- thanks to all for the prompt and accurate feedback

  • gsiemon
    Community Member

    @khad, I wasn't sure either. This part of the first post made me think that they were logging in to the same app with multiple user credentials on the same Family account.

    I am now confused about the next step, i.e. what does the family member do in their 1Password app (running on a Mac) to get access o the vault? If I use the add account capability and fill in my data, i.e. email, key, and password, then they get access to my personal and shared vault, as far as I can see.

    Anyway, looks like the OP has sorted it out.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, @formula155! It sounds like @gsiemon is as happy as I am to hear that everything is working well. :)

    Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any further trouble.

This discussion has been closed.