Where are the files for dropbox sync and can I throw away the others?

Community Member
edited June 2016 in Mac

I've been a long time user of 1PW. I'm now on v6. I use it at home with family pack and at work. I'm trying to setup vaults to share home logins at work and vice versa. But as I poke into the current configuration I'm finding strange setups. I have two dropbox accounts, one for home and one for work.

At work, I looked in my work dropbox folder. No 1Password folder exists in there. Yes I'm configured in Preferences > Sync to using Dropbox sync but what it points to is located in /Users/me/Documents/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain. Also in that folder is a 1PW Backups folder and a Backups folder. How can sync occur via Dropbox and those files not be in the dropbox folder? I looked at my account on dropbox and no 1PW files exist there.

At home, I looked in my home dropbox folder and there is a 1Password folder in there. It contains the 1Password.agilekeychain. So I think that looks ok and normal. But should there be backup folders there?

In addition, in my dropbox folder is a file at the top level unchanged since Sept 2010 called .ws.agile.1Password.settings. I think that is from an old version of 1PW. Please confirm and I'll toss it.

I hear that v6 now stores database in Library. If all the confusing aspects of files is documented that make up 1PW app, please point me to it. Else please describe what should and shouldn't live in the dropbox folder and where the agilekeychain can or should live. It's all so confusing when you change file locations and don't have clear docs on where and what should exist.

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Teaman
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    I should add that when I looked in the history of dropbox at work, I found evidence about mid March of the 1Password folder being deleted. I vaguely recall being prompted to do so when I was trying to move my 1PW data from dropbox to my local computer because I wasn't syncing my work 1PW with anything. So maybe I didn't do that move from the cloud completely or correctly.

    I now do want to sync via my work dropbox, as I want to make it available as a vault at home. I was told I can do that by sharing my work 1Password.agilekeychain file in an email msg to my home email address. Then at home, share my 1Password.agilekeychain file in an email msg to my work email address. Then create a 2nd vault at work and at home, go into Prefs > Sync and select the appropriate vault (after the dropbox Share request is accepted) and select the vault.

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Along the lines of extra files/folders laying around in my OS, I went into my home ~/Library/Application Support and noticed I had 3 folders related to 1PW...

    1Passwd (that has Cache, Diagnostics, Fill, License, Scripts folders inside)
    1Password (that has Agent, Backups, Cache, Diagnostics, Extensions, Fill and License folders inside)
    1Password 4 (that has Backups, Data, Diagnostics and Watchtower folders inside.

    All abit confusing.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Teaman: Whew! First off, I'm glad to hear that you're seeing the "Backups" folder in with 1Password's support files. That means we should have a Plan B if the first option doesn't pan out.

    If you have your 1Password data on a particular device, save a backup of it, and then you can delete any .opvault or .agilekeychain vaults stored in Dropbox and start over with a single new one.

    I think what we need to do is start from the top though: Where is your 1Password data currently? Let me know the OS and 1Password versions you're using there. Ultimately what it sounds like we need to do is setup your vault to be shared from one Dropbox account to the other so you can access it on all of your work and personal devices. please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • Teaman
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    brenty, I described where my data is. So I must not understand your question. I had an appointment call a couple days ago with one of your mates. So I think I know how to set things up for sharing vaults. But when I went in to look at my dropbox data, I found unexpected files and locations. So now this post. This is more about what files should be where.

    I think my home file setup is good and has no problems other than the extra files/folders I found laying around. If you can address that, I can prune what is no longer needed. I could guess based on intuition and dates but that may get me in trouble.

    So my more pressing issue is what to do with my work setup. I'll state again... As I recall, 1PW at work was sync'd to my work dropbox account. I realized I didn't need that back in March (because I don't sync it with any other devices) so I did something (don't recall) that caused the 1Password folder and it's contents in my work dropbox to be removed. However, when I go in and look at my 1PW preferences > Sync I see sync is still set to dropbox. This makes no sense to me since there is no dropbox files/folders related to 1PW usage in my work dropbox account. Instead my 1Password folder is as previously stated, in my /users/me/Documents/1Password folder.

    Why does Agilebits make this so confusing? is the data in ~/Library or is it in the 1Password folder? Can I move it around? How do I get it back into dropbox, particularly now that it is still thinking it is sync'd with dropbox?

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    I looked in my ~/Library/Application Support folder and there is only one folder in there called 1Password 4. It doesn't appear to be updating it since March when the data was removed from dropbox and put into documents folder on my local computer at work.

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    To add to the confusion, I just found out my true Backups folder for my current setup is in ~/Library/Application Support/Backups but the .agilekeychain file is in the /Users/me/Documents/1Password (where another Backups folder lives but has not been touched since March).

    So I have a mishmash of file locations. That's why I need to know what files must exist and where.

  • Hi @Teaman ,

    If you use 1Password purchased from the Mac App Store, then it stores your database (the primary copy of your 1Password data), and backups here:

    If you use 1Password purchased from the AgileBits web site, then it sores your database and backups here:
    ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/

    Your data must remain in one of the above locations. Do not move it from there.

    Note that the primary copy of your 1Password data never lives in Dropbox. The .agilekeychain or .opvault files are sync files only. When you set up sync to Dropbox it prompts you for a location on Dropbox to create that sync file on Dropbox, but that is a copy, and is updated when sync occurs. The primary copy is always located in a database file (not .agilekeychain or .opvault) in one of the above folders.

    Note that the path /Users/me/Documents/1Password has never been used by us. Perhaps you created that at one time when backing up data?

    I hope that helps to clear things up. If you have further questions, please feel free to reply.


  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Thanks for that great explanation, Kevin.
    Here is my 1Password 4 folder in Application Support folder: http://screencast.com/t/SdLhtKAzy
    Here is my 1Password folder in my Documents folder: http://screencast.com/t/8JWTKi1ll
    From the modify date you can see it's in use. Yet Backups folder in the 1Password 4 folder is used for that.

    How do I get back using dropbox given I my 1PW preferences > sync shows I'm already using dropbox?
    Here is my Preferences > Sync: http://screencast.com/t/oeAHncI0SN

    It says I'm syncing but I'm not syncing with any device. What do I do to get this back into Dropbox and not in Documents folder?

  • Hi @Teaman ,

    Thanks for those screen shots - they really help. The 1Password 4 in your Application Support looks fine. Your Backups are in the Backups folder and your database is in the Data folder. Do not expect any agilekeychain or opvault files there.

    So, to get back to Sync with Dropbox. Go to your Sync settings and set Sync to none. Then set it back to Dropbox, this time it will ask you to choose a folder: choose one in your Dropbox folder. Do not choose one in your Documents folder. Only files in the Dropbox folder are synced with your Dropbox account. When you do this, it will create an agilekeychain or opvault file in that location. Once it has, do not move it anywhere else.

    Now, you can go to your other devices and set up Dropbox sync. Choose the agilekeychain or opvault file on Dropbox and everything should sync.

    As for that folder in your Documents folder, you can archive that or get rid of it unless it contains something that is not currently in your 1Password.


  • Teaman
    Community Member

    If 1PW at work is using the Data folder in ~/Library/Application Support then why is my ~/Documents/1Password agilekeychain file updating instead? Check the modify dates in the screenshots.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Teaman,

    If 1PW at work is using the Data folder in ~/Library/Application Support then why is my ~/Documents/1Password agilekeychain file updating instead?

    Actually, they are both being updated. The data you see when you open 1Password 6.app is stored in an SQLite file located in ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data/. But the modified date for the Data folder doesn't necessarily reflect changes made to the contents inside that folder. For example, when I check that folder on my own Mac, it currently says the Date Modified is June 15 - but there are files inside that folder which have more recent modified dates.

    The reason the 1Password.agilekeychain sync file in ~/Documents/1Password/ was also being updated is because the sync settings in 1Password were pointing to that file. In your screenshot, that file shows a more recent modified date, but that won't always necessarily be the case.

    To avoid confusion, it's best if you ignore the modified dates of those folders. ;)

  • Teaman
    Community Member

    Ok, that is what I suspected. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! If you have more questions or need help, just let us know. Cheers! :)

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