Adding note fields

Community Member

Currently there does not appear to be any way to add a second notes type field to an item. I would like to be able to have two notes in an item. My use case is for storing SSL certificates and their private keys (and maybe also the CSR). Unfortunately the Text type fields mangle PEM formatted certificates and keys because they do not support multiple lines. So either you have to store certificates and keys in the same note or as attached files, both of which makes copying them tedious.

I'd really like support for multiple notes fields, or better yet a full fledge Certificate category with fields for the issued certificate, private key and password.

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: ug:mac/add-custom-fields, kb:undefined, kb-search:add note fields


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mklassen,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in with your feedback & feature request!

    You're correct - there's currently no option to add a second 'notes' field to an item in 1Password. But I can see why that would be helpful for you! I can't make any promises about if/when we would add the ability to add multiple notes fields, but I can certainly forward your request to our developers to let them know you'd be interested in that.

    You mentioned a couple workarounds (i.e. attachments, or multiple certificates/keys in the same notes field). In case it helps, I wanted to mention that another workaround would be to store each certificate/key in a separate item in your vault. That might make copying easier, although I don't know if it would necessarily fit with your particular workflow.

    Thank you again for your suggestion/feedback, we really appreciate it! If you need anything else, please let us know. Cheers! :)

  • mklassen
    Community Member

    I was using two separate items for private keys and certificates, but this became a serious problem when renewing certificates since typically the server CN is the distinguishing feature that links the private key and certificate. But during the renewal phase you have two private key/certificate pairs for the same CN - this make determining which ones go together problematic and made me rethink the use of two items.

    I look forward to getting multiple note fields in a future version. For now I will live with store the certificates and keys in the same note field.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mklassen ,

    Thank you for your detailed reply and your input, you make a good point! We'll keep this in mind for the future! 1Password is always improving, so maybe some day we'll see what you're suggesting :chuffed:

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @mklassen ,

    My guess, sorry Agilebits, you will be waiting a long time before you get multiple large text fields, given that it will affect all the apps, and this isn't a small change.

    In the mean time, here's a technique you can use via command line to store these items into individual fields. I'm not sure what the line length limit is, so lets see how it works.

    To convert the PEM into a single line and put it on the clipboard, use, for example:

    pbcopy <  dsa_pub.pem

    and paste into a 1Password field.

    To recreate that PEM, copy that field in 1Password and use:

    pbpaste | perl -pe 's/ (?!PUBLIC|KEY)/\n/g'

    You can of course, redirect to a file name of your choice.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Very clever trick! Thanks for sharing that, MrC. Once again, I'm glad you're on our side. :)

  • marker
    Community Member

    I wanted to "second" this original request. I'm looking to add a long Notes field for each section of a Secure Note, and this would be very helpful. Thanks all.

  • Thanks @marker! :) I appreciate you stopping by to let us know you're looking for this.

This discussion has been closed.