How can I restore a 1password backup?

Community Member

How can I restore a 1password backup please?

1Password Version: 6.01
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Os 10.10.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Pandatol,

    Thanks for asking about this.

    Choose File > Restore, or choose 1Password > Preferences and click the Backup icon. Either one will take you to the same place: the Backup preference pane. You will see a list of the backups 1Password has created for you, and you can select one and click Restore.

    Before you do, I recommend making a current backup just in case there is anything you need that isn't available in the old backup. Choose File > Backup.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know. :)

  • Pandatol
    Community Member

    Thank you ver much for your quick response.
    What do they mean by "If you sync with Dropbox or iCloud, sync will be turned off. You can turn it back on in Preferences"?
    How do I do this? And which Preferences, iCloud or 1password or System? also where on my computer does the backup get stored please?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Pandatol,

    What do they mean by "If you sync with Dropbox or iCloud, sync will be turned off. You can turn it back on in Preferences”?

    Sync is disabled when restoring a backup. This is done to ensure that the restore process goes smoothly. If you are currently using Dropbox or iCloud to sync your data to other devices, you’ll need to go to 1Password’s Preferences > Sync and re-enable sync after you’ve confirmed that the restore went smoothly.

    And which Preferences, iCloud or 1password or System?

    1Password’s Preferences. :)

    also where on my computer does the backup get stored please?

    If you purchased 1Password from the Mac App Store

    Backups: ~/Library/Containers/

    If you purchased 1Password from the AgileBits Store

    Backups: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Backups

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