Invoking 1Password Extension in Safari brings up main 1P window

Community Member

Hello, this is annoying behavior...

I am using 1P v6.3.1 - (AgileBits store version) and the latest Safari 1P extension. Every time I go to use the Safari Extension, it brings up 1P the app and moves focus to that app. It's really annoying behavior. Any thoughts about what's going on?


1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 4.5.6
OS Version: 10.11.5
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RFBriggs,

    Sorry to hear you're having such a strange problem with the 1Password app and the browser extension!

    I'm not sure why that's happening, but we'll figure it out one way or another. The first thing I'd like you to check is a setting in 1Password which might have something to do with this. Please open the main 1Password app and go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences. Select the General tab, and make sure there's a check mark next to the option for Always keep 1Password mini running.

    If that option was disabled, it might help to explain the problem, because the 1Password extension needs to connect to 1Password mini in order to work. If mini isn't running when you try to use the extension, it will try to launch it. But I don't know if that would explain why the main app is opened and brought to the front.

    If the option to keep 1Password mini running was already enabled, I think we'll need a few more details to help figure out what's going on:

    • When this happens, is the 1Password app already open and is simply brought to the front? Or is it closed, but then launches when you click the extension in Safari?
    • If you open the main 1Password app first, then go to Safari and click the extension, does it still switch focus to the 1Password app?
    • Once the main app opens, are you able to switch back to Safari and use the 1Password extension correctly?
    • Does the same thing happen every time you try to use the extension in Safari? Or just sometimes?
    • Do you use any other browsers on your Mac? If so, and if you have the 1Password extension installed in those browsers, does the same problem happen?
    • How long has this been a problem? Do you remember if you had installed any updates right before you first noticed this?
    • If you reboot your Mac and then open Safari and try to use the 1Password extension, does the same problem happen?

    Thanks in advance! :)

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