Wanting to see different vaults in different browser extensions

Community Member

I created three 1PW vaults: Safari, Chrome and Forefox. I wanted each vault to only open in one browser but this is made inconvenient by the fact that every time I change a vault in one browser extension, all the other browsers simultaneous change to that last opened vault in that browser extension as well. I wish that each browser extension would remember the last vault used just for that particular browser extension. Can this be done?

FYI, There are many reasons I want to see different vaults for different browsers.  First of all, browsers are the main point of compromise by malware, so why not consistently tie my use of sites with passwords to different browsers to spread the risk in case any particular browser is infected? Second, why not cluster websites with passwords according to how often I like to clear the cookie tray, and browsing data for those particular sites viewed via that particular browser? Thirdly, I may have different accounts on the same website, and so I can just immediately access the desired account by opening the browser tied to the particular account (Gmail account X can be tied to safari and Gmail account Y can be tied to chrome). 

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @BachT: I'm sorry of the confusion! The 1Password extensions get data from the 1Password app, so whichever vault you've selected . The extensions themselves are only able to access what the app gives them, so it isn't possible for them to each "own" a separate vault — they have nothing of their own, period.

    My first thought was "why would you want to do this?", but from your comments it seems like your desire stems from a security concern which does not exist, given what I mentioned above. But just to be completely clear, the 1Password extensions don't have a copy of any of your vaults. They just get information to fill when you request it.

    It sounds like the other thing you're referring to is "keep me logged in" behaviour that some websites support...but since you have 1Password to log you in quickly, it's much easier to avoid that sort of risky behaviour — especially since you're concerned about your browser becoming compromised.

    Finally, it's important to note that if one browser is infected by malware, malware is already on your system at that point. So it wouldn't be safe to assume that the other browsers or apps are uncompromised (or will stay that way). Fortunately if 1Password is locked all of the data in your vault is encrypted. And in the case of the browser, your data is not stored there, login credentials are only sent there on demand...and if the browser itself is compromised, 1Password will not send anything there when the code signature cannot be verified. Cheers! :)

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