1Password for Mac Family License - Separate Master Passwords

This discussion was created from comments split from: Different master passwords for each member?.


  • TomSouth
    Community Member

    I purchased the Family Bundle a few years back, but have been the sole user on my iMac and iPhone. Recently installed it on my daughter's MacBook. Unfortunately, her master password seems to be the same one that is used to gain access to the online Family Bundle data. This means that, because I know the overall master password (separate from the one I use on my own devices), I can see her login/password information. If there is a means for her to have a secret, private master password of her own, separate from the overall family master password, I would like to know how to set that up. Thanks! (Using the absolute most recent versions on Macs and iPhones.)

  • Hi @TomSouth,

    I've split your comment off and moved it into our 1Password for Mac forum as it doesn't appear you are using our new 1Password Families service at this time.

    If you open the same Primary Vault keychain on her device(s) as you open on yours, using our standalone apps, then yes -- you'll have the same Master Password.

    Our new 1Password Families subscription service offering was designed specifically to address concerns like this. You can learn about about it here:

    Alternatively you can have entirely separate Primary vaults (which will mean separate Master Passwords). In order to give you the best instructions for doing this, based on what you currently have set up, we'd need to see a diagnostic report from each device from both you and your daughter.

    I'd like to ask you to create some Diagnostics Reports, one from each of your devices:

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report(s) in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report(s) in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s) and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!


  • TomSouth
    Community Member

    Ben: Thanks for this reply, though I confess that I did not fully understand it, nor what my next action item was. I did understand that I was to receive something from the BitBot assistant with a Support ID #, and have been awaiting that information. Unfortunately, if it was sent, I did not receive it or do not know where to look for it -- I assumed it would come through e-mail. Even more unfortunately, a few days ago I did start receiving e-mails stating that my Family subscription free trial was about to expire. As of yesterday, my daughter is unable to use her 1Password software. Please realize that this is not a free trial. I paid for the family subscription quite a long time ago. Please advise on how my daughter's installation can be reactivated. Thanks.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @TomSouth,

    I apologize for the confusion. I took a look in our email records, and it appears that you had a brief chat with someone from our team (Sean) last month.

    Even more unfortunately, a few days ago I did start receiving e-mails stating that my Family subscription free trial was about to expire. As of yesterday, my daughter is unable to use her 1Password software. Please realize that this is not a free trial. I paid for the family subscription quite a long time ago.

    I think I can see where things got tangled up. You sent us a message asking for your license information (which was provided). But it looks like, instead of downloading your license file and using it on your daughter’s computer, you may have signed up for a free trial of 1Password Families instead.

    The family license that you purchased for 1Password allows you to install 1Password on as many computers as you and your family members use. It is, however, different than a 1Password Families account. (I know, they sound pretty similar!)

    So, if I’m understanding things correctly, right now we need to ensure that your daughter can access 1Password on her computer. Once that is sorted, we can worry about solving the Master Password issue.

    I’m assuming that you would like to continue using the 1Password apps with the license that you purchased instead of paying for a subscription to 1Password Families, is that correct? If so, we’ll need to take a closer look at your system to determine where your data is currently stored. Then we can advise you on how to move your data out of the 1Password Families trial.

    In order to do that, we’ll need to see Diagnostics Reports from your devices.

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    The instructions in those links should walk you through the process of creating the reports, but if you have any questions, please let us know!

    ref: RZT-51766-825

This discussion has been closed.