Trouble syncing with iCloud

Community Member
edited July 2016 in Mac

Got the latest version of 1PWD installed on two macs sitting RIGHT next to one another. Both signed into iCloud. Both set up to sync to iCloud.
Bot ARE syncing (At least that is what they state in the sync panel.)

I WAS able to sync one with the other but here comes the REALLY cheap programming problem

1) Create a simple software License or Credit Card on one Mac
2) Goto preferences-> Sync and you can see it syncing
3) When I go to the other Mac there is NO update and thus the just created credit card and software license is not reflected.
4) I relaunch 1PWD. And still NO CHANGES.
5) Preferences window states Synced 2 Minutes ago. GREAT - I made the changes 10 seconds ago.
6) 1PWD ONLY syncs or pushes when creating something to the database.
7) So in order to actually see what I created on one account I have to actually create a dummy license which will THEN trigger a sync.

This is NOT syncing... At least not per 2016. It is a bad Joke !

Does 1 Password NOT understand PUSH. What is wrong guys. This app has become more cumbersome to use with EVERY version since Version 2. Did you have nothing better to do with your time than add bloat to the APP ????

With each version since 1PWD3, I and many I know of are moving to iCloud keychain - as a testament to those very reasons.
I hope you

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AtonMusic,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having such trouble syncing your 1Password data via iCloud! That must be very frustrating for you, but I'm sure we can help you get things working correctly.

    Got the latest version of 1PWD installed on two macs sitting RIGHT next to one another.

    You probably already know this, but just to be clear: the distance between your two Macs makes no difference as far as syncing your 1Password data. Those Macs could be on opposite ends of the world and should still sync with each other through iCloud. It works extremely well for most folks, so something clearly isn't right, but we'll figure it out. :)

    Both signed into iCloud. Both set up to sync to iCloud.
    Bot ARE syncing (At least that is what they state in the sync panel.)

    Is there any chance you have multiple Apple IDs? If so, you'll want to make sure you're signed into the same Apple ID on both Macs. If you're using the Mac App Store version of 1Password 6, open the System Preferences app and select iCloud - your Apple ID / email address needs to be exactly the same there on both Macs.

    On the other hand, if you're using the AgileBits Store version of 1Password 6, you can disable the sync on both Macs (go to 1Password > Preferences > Sync on both Macs and change the setting from iCloud to None). Then switch it back to iCloud on one Mac, and you'll be prompted to sign into your Apple ID from a website. Once you've done that and it's syncing with iCloud again, re-enable it on your other Mac and make sure you sign into the exact same Apple ID as the first Mac. order to actually see what I created on one account I have to actually create a dummy license which will THEN trigger a sync.

    That shouldn't be necessary, but it's helpful that you mentioned it - if making a change triggers the sync to happen and the edits from your other Mac show up, that at least tells us they're both syncing with the same Apple ID.

    Does 1 Password NOT understand PUSH. What is wrong guys.

    Yes, 1Password understands "push", although clearly that doesn't seem to be working for one reason or another. Please keep in mind that iCloud is in charge of pushing changes. 1Password 6 uses Apple's CloudKit technology for syncing with iCloud, and a sync is triggered when CloudKit tells 1Password that changes are available. If for some reason CloudKit isn't notifying 1Password about the changes, that could explain why those changes don't appear until you do something else that triggers a sync (such as creating a new "dummy license"). We don't have any control over how iCloud/CloudKit behaves, but in my experience, it's rare that it wouldn't work as expected for any prolonger period of time.

    Is the behavior the same in both directions? In other words, it sounds like a change on Mac #1 doesn't show up on Mac #2 until you create a new "dummy" item on Mac #2. But if you make a change on Mac #2, does it show up on Mac #1 as expected? Or do you need to create a new "dummy" item on Mac #1?

    Also, if you reboot each Mac and then make a change to 1Password on one of the Macs, is there any difference as far as syncing?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • AtonMusic
    Community Member

    Hi Drew, thanks for you length reply. MUCH appreciated.

    To the last part-> Yes to all accounts. Same behavior.

    -- Best Morten

    PS - Reason I mentioned that both Macs were sitting adjacent to one another was to illustrate that I was able to so witness the non-sync.
    I am aware of the fact that it matters not where in the world those are situated for a sync to take place, unless you wanna witness a bug ;-)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2016


    I was hoping that we'd get a hint at what was going on if it was only in one direction. But it sounds like we may need to dig deeper. I'd like to ask you to create two Diagnostics Reports, one from each of your Macs:

    Attach the Diagnostics Reports to an email message addressed to

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Reports in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Reports in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the reports and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • AtonMusic
    Community Member

    Hi Khad,

    thanks for your input. Appreciated. With all due respect, I have pointed you towards a scenario where you have a problem. You blame Apple. Frankly, if you chose to use an Apple service for something then instead of blaming them, blame yourself. After all, you opted for the Apple service ;-). Anyway, back to point. Which is, I think that now you are aware of an issue, you should test this yourselves, rather than asking me and the users to submit this and that. You are getting paid by your users to deliver software that works and when it doesn't you should take measures. You have a clearcut-described scenario here so perhaps it would not be too much asked that you test it yourselves.

    I dont have time to be a beta tester. And since Apple introduced the iCloud Keychain, I have been getting away from 1PWD.
    I still need 1PWD for a few things like soft-licenses etc. but with cumbersomeness introduced to the software the past 3 years, I am seriously looking to get away from it... I mean, it has become MORE confused to use than iTunes. THAT speaks fathoms ;-)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2016


    Sorry for any confusion. I never intended to blame Apple for anything. In fact, I never mentioned Apple in my post. :)

    I think that now you are aware of an issue, you should test this yourselves, rather than asking me and the users to submit this and that. You are getting paid by your users to deliver software that works and when it doesn't you should take measures. You have a clearcut-described scenario here so perhaps it would not be too much asked that you test it yourselves.

    We have tested it and cannot reproduce it. Without the help of someone who is actually experiencing a specific problem it may take a lot longer to resolve it.

    If you send us the Diagnostics Reports I requested earlier, I'm sure we can resolve it pretty quickly. At the moment, we are flying blind since we can't reproduce it and we don't yet have any of the information the Diagnostics Reports provide.

    I wish it really was a "clearcut" situation. The reality is that sometimes things are a little more complicated than we wish they were. We really want to resolve things for you, but we can't without your cooperation. Please do email us the Diagnostics Reports when you have a chance.

    Thanks in advance!

  • AtonMusic
    Community Member

    You are right.. You colleague did. I was referring to the entire thread here, not just to what you wrote ;-)

    Thx for your enthusiasm - a lass I dont have the time nor muse to start posting logs etc. Sorry.

  • Hi @AtonMusic,

    I'm one of the developers on 1Password for Mac. Based on what you described, it sounds like the push notifications are not being received by either of your Macs. So that leaves two possibilities. Either they aren't being sent by Apple, which is unlikely, as those are typically very reliable, or something is blocking them being received on you end. I suspect this is the true reason. However, there could be many causes for this: something installed on your Macs (e.g. extra firewall software), a non-standard router configuration, or a bug in the software, etc.. If it was a bug, it's curious that we can not reproduce it here, but it is still a possibility.

    If you get a find the time to send the diagnostic report, we'll be happy to have a look and what is going on. If you do, please let us know the date/time you make a change on one Macs and it doesn't appear on the other. That will help us find it in the report.

    If you do not wish to send the report, we'll still have a look on our end to see if it's a bug in the software, and of course, fix it.


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