Stripe authentication pop-up doesn't get filled in by 1password on Chrome on Mac

There are certain actions in Stripe (refunding a customer, for example) where they pop-up a dialog asking for your password again. 1password doesn't successfully fill that in, so I have to manually copy/paste every time.

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:stripe


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @WLGades,

    Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, we're talking about certain actions that only the account holder/administrator of a Stripe account will have authorisation to do, is that correct? We do use Stripe here so I'm confident there is somebody we can ask to show us, I just want to make sure I'm not making a silly mistake when reading.

  • WLGades
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables (I'm sure everyone tells you but that's a fantastic name!),

    Right, I think anyone who has access to being able to refund a customer will see that. Essentially if you remain logged into stripe, then come back after some period of time has passed (not sure how long), try to refund a customer, you get a modal. Here's a screenshot:

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @WLGades,

    Thanks for the confirmation. I've written up a fairly vague bug report but I'm going to lean on somebody here to help me flesh it out and hopefully we can figure out what's going on. Can I ask, what browsers do you regularly use and is the issue consistent over all of them?

    I'll be honest with you, I never thought I was going to get away with keeping my username here in the forums when I was given the amazing honour of joining the AgileBits team but they had all known me as littlebobbytables for long enough by then that it was felt I had to keep the username. I confess I didn't put up much resistance :tongue: I did worry a little that it might convey the right tone but I've yet to have a complaint, hopefully my usefulness shines through :lol:

    I'll finish up by stating the absolute obvious, Randall Munroe is a genius! :lol:

    ref: BRAIN-285

  • WLGades
    Community Member

    I use Google Chrome on Mac almost exclusively. Thanks!

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you for the extra information, we hope to have a solution for this soon! :chuffed:

  • guqqex
    Community Member

    Hi @Pilar - any word on this? this is super frustrating and time wasting, as these popups appear very frequently when making manual charges/refunds.......

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    @guqqex I'm looking into this and one other site today. The tricky bit is that I have not yet been able to trigger the password prompt for either of them. I'm leaving both of them open in separate Chrome tabs today and will give them a test later this afternoon to see if I can get the password prompt to show.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • guqqex
    Community Member

    @jxpx777 thanks. FYI it seems that the stripe box pops up after less than 1 hour from the last authentication, for operations of a manual charge/refund (not merely navigating around the app sections)

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the pointer. I'll try there first. :)

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    I did manage to get the prompt, and then filling worked just fine for me. I held the option key down to prevent autosubmit on this form, but otherwise, it was just a standard click of the 1Password button in Chrome. I tested in my development environment and with 1Password 6.5 beta, but it shouldn't be significantly different to what we've released stable. One thing I would be interested in is if there are any errors in the console on the page when it fails. Also, it's possible there's an error in the background page as well, which you can view by ticking the "Developer mode" checkbox in Window > Extensions and then clicking the background page link. The resulting window will have a Console tab as well, and any errors that appear there would be interesting as well.

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