My credit card info listed in my vault and iPhone are not synced to Safari

Community Member

I have entered all my credit card info in my 1Password Application main vault. It is synced with my iPhone 6s+ and identical. However when I open 1Password thru my browser Safari, it only shows three of the nine credit cards. How can I make them all appear while using 1Password with my Safari browser?

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 4.5.6
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: wifi
Referrer: forum-search:My credit card info listed in my vault & iPhone are the same but not Safari 1Password. Help!


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kaykay,

    I'm sorry some Credit Card items don't show up in the extension in Safari!

    When you click on the 1Password extension in Safari, are you looking for those items under the Credit Cards category/submenu? If you try typing the name of one of those items in the 'Search' field at the top of the extension, can you find it that way?

    If you can find them by searching or by looking in the Credit Cards category in the extension, but they all appear correctly in the main app, those items might be set to "Never display in browser". In the main 1Password app, find one of the items that doesn't appear in the extension, click the Edit button for that item, and check the 'display' option near the bottom of the item details. If that's set to Never display in browser, change it to Always and click Save. Now it should appear in the browser extension.

    Does that help? If all of your Credit Card items are already set to Always display in the browser, please let us know and we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • kaykay
    Community Member

    Thank you for the recommendations. I am looking for the credit cards in the Credit Cards category/submit menu in 1Password Safari. I did a search in the "Search" field but could not find them. Next I went into my 1Password vault to check about the "Never display in browser" but all of the credit cards are set to "Always", and I clicked Save. Then I went to 1Password Safari and they still do not appear.
    What's next?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    I'm wondering if it's possible that you have multiple copies of 1Password installed. 1Password mini may be running from one copy (that would be what you are seeing in the browser), while the main app may be a different copy.

    Do you see multiple copies of 1Password if you use Spotlight to search for "1Password"?

  • kaykay
    Community Member

    Hard to tell if that's the problem. The main vault is 6.3.1. The Finder shows the top hit as 1Password 6, Applications as 1Password, 1Password 6 Super Duper Clone, and 1Password Super Duper Clone. Don't know what that means.

  • kaykay
    Community Member

    After playing a little, I found that I had two copies of 1Password. I deleted one, restarted Safari, and there in 1Password 6 were my credit cards. Thank you so much.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome! That's great news. Thanks for letting us know all is well, @kaykay. :)

    If you have any further trouble in the future, please don't hesitate to let us know.

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