Why do I have double entries for all my logins?

Community Member

All of my logins are listed twice when I open the app. All vaults show 646 logins, which is the number I get when I open the app. If I go to Primary vault I get 323 logins, if I go to 1Password vault I get 323. Why doesn't the app open-up showing only 323 logins?

1Password Version: 6.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.5
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Why do I have double entries for all my logins?


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dcb19

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having some trouble with 1Password. It sounds like you created an extra vault and copied all your items there. The Primary vault is the default one, while you must have created yourself the one called "1Password". How long ago did you notice that your items were duplicate? Have you modified any of your entries since you first noticed the duplicates? Did you change anything on the way you were syncing? Keep in mind that since you copied the items, only one of them is being updated if you make a change. While we sort out the best way to get you back to one set of items, you can pick one of the vaults, I think Primary would be better, instead of All vaults so you only see one set of passwords.

    I hope to hear back from you so we can get to the bottom of this soon! :chuffed:

  • dcb19
    Community Member

    Hi Pilar, thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I'm out of town, so I haven't been able to check my desktop computer, but I think you must be correct in your assessment that I somehow created a second vault. I have 1Password on my laptop and I only have set of passwords when I access the app on my laptop. When I get home, I'll have to compare the 2 vaults on my desktop. The duplicates have only been showing up for a few weeks. I haven't changed any of my passwords during that time. I may have added a few during that period., however. If I'm sure that all my info is correct in the primary vault, am I safe to delete the 1Password vault? I sync 1Password using dropbox and I haven't changed how I sync 1Password. Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dcb19

    You're very welcome, I'm glad to be able to help you! It sounds like you aren't syncing the newer vault that you created so it makes things easier for you :chuffed: When you get a chance to check on your laptop, on the 1Password vault, there's a little trick that will make it easier for you! Right under the search bar on the main app, you can see "323 items sorted by Title", you can change that to "sorted by date created" and "date modified". This will make it easier for you to check that you are not missing anything when you delete your vault!

    In any case, and to be on the safest side of things, I would make a backup before deleting the second vault: go to Preferences in 1Password, then Backup and "Backup now". Once you are sure there's nothing you would lose, you can just delete the "1Password Vault" and everything should go back to normal.

    Please let us know how this all goes for you and if you have any trouble at any point please don't hesitate to ask, we are always here for you! :chuffed:

  • kmor8
    Community Member

    This just happened on my MBAir when I upgraded to 1PW 6.5.3. Suddenly I have duplicates of everything, and I seem to have a Primary vault and a Personal vault. Can I just delete one of these? I will read the replies above to see if they can work for me.

  • kmor8
    Community Member

    It looks as if my Personal vault is the one that's being updated, because I just added a login for the AgileBits forum, and that's where I found it (not in Primary). So should I delete the Primary vault? I will check "date created" and "date modified" to be sure I'm not losing anything.

  • kmor8
    Community Member

    When I go to Preferences, it looks as if my Personal account is in Trial Mode. It shouldn't be; I've bought & upgraded 1PW many times over the years (but don't have a subscription, & don't want one).

  • kmor8
    Community Member

    Maybe I should've started with a new question, but this one was so similar to my problem...

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kmor8

    Thank you for taking some time to get in touch with us. The Personal vault is part of your subscription 1Password.com account, the Primary is the one you've been using all this time. It seems like you've created an account by mistake, and that's the one that's on trial. If you want to keep on using just your local vaults you can check that all your items are in the vault called Primary you can log out of your account. Just go to 1Password Preferences, pick "Account" and Sign Out. When you log out and back in you'll see everything as you've always had :chuffed:

    Please let us know how this goes for you, and if you have any other questions please let us know and we'll help you sort it out!

  • kmor8
    Community Member

    Hi, Pilar. Thanks for your help. How do I save the 13 or so changes I've made in December from the Personal vault to the Primary vault?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kmor8,

    To move those items from Personal to Primary, open the main 1Password app and switch to the Personal vault (use the app switcher in the top left corner, or go to 1Password > Switch to Vault > Personal from the menu bar). Select the items you need to move, then go to Item > Share > Primary > Move. In case it helps, we have more detailed steps for moving items between vaults here: Move items between vaults

    Keep in mind that the items you move won't replace any items that are already in the Primary vault, so you'll likely end up with some duplicates there. But it doesn't sound like you have many, so it should be easy to go through the Primary vault and delete the old/outdated copies of those items.

    I hope that helps, but please let us know if you have more questions about that. Happy New Year! :)

  • kmor8
    Community Member

    Thank you both SO much! I have it all straightened out now; moved 24 entries to Primary and then closed my Personal vault and deleted all the duplicates. I really appreciate your help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're quite welcome! I'm happy to hear that helped you get things sorted out. Hopefully you're all set now, but we're here for you if you have more questions or need anything else. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.