Master password works on app but not on browser extension.

Community Member

1Password is current

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Safari (9.1.1) extension does not recognize master password, but it works on the app


  • Phred8532
    Community Member

    1Password is current

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Phred8532,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble unlocking 1Password from the browser extension! The extension and app are reading from the same database so they don't use different master passwords. I'm not sure why it's working for only one, but we'll get to the bottom of this. :)

    First, please check the version of the 1Password extension in your browser. If it's one of the latest versions (4.5.7 or 4.5.8), that's fine. If for some reason you're using version 3 of the extension, that's the problem - please disable it (but don't remove it yet) and install the latest one from here:

    If you already have the latest extension, is it possible you have multiple 1Password apps installed on your Mac? If you happen to have both the Mac App Store and AgileBits Store versions installed at the same time, that most likely explains the problem, because each of those keeps a separate database on your Mac, so each could have a different master password. In that case, it sounds like the extension is connecting to one of the apps, and you're opening the other.

    To check for that, go to the Applications folder on your Mac - do you see two 1Password app files in there? If so, what are their names? Are you able to open & unlock one but not the other? (If you only see a single 1Password app in Applications, you can try using Spotlight to search for "1Password" on your Mac to see if a second one is located somewhere else.)

    Please let us know what you're able to find, and we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

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