Updates / Upgrade not extracting and installing

Community Member
edited July 2016 in Mac

Hi all, I'm probably a bit late to the party but thought I would ask anyway.
1password is telling me there are updates and an upgrade.
For a long time now it will download but it seems to get an error extracting and installing the updates.
Any ideas?
1password is still running fine but I've been on the slow side trying to sort this out lol.

1Password Version: 3.8.21
Extension Version: 3.9.20
OS Version: OS X El Capital
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Her0inmy0wnmind,

    Better late than never! I’d be happy to help you upgrade to the latest version of 1Password. There are a ton of great new features, and it will run fantastically for you in OS X El Capitan. Step one is to get you that 3.8.22 update to 1Password 3 so that we can go through the upgrade process after:

    1. Fully quit 1Password.
    2. Drag the app from your /Applications folder to the Trash. (Don’t worry, this will have no effect on your data, it’s stored elsewhere - but do NOT use an app cleaner such as AppZapper or Clean My Mac to delete the app.)
    3. Go to our downloads page and select 1Password 3.8.22.
    4. Once 1Password has downloaded, move it to the /Applications folder and you’re all set!

    Now, about upgrading to the latest version. We’ve got an awesome new way for you to use 1Password. Instead of purchasing a license, you can sign up for a 1Password account on 1Password Families or 1Password for Teams. Your subscription fee will include licenses for 1Password across whichever platforms you need (Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android), with all updates and upgrades. With a 1Password account, syncing is handled for you, so all of your data is instantly on your devices when you sign in, no need to set up sync to a third-party service. It also gives you access to your 1Password data in a web view, in case you need to view your data on a computer that doesn’t have the app installed. 1Password accounts are a great way to share your important information with your family or your coworkers. (Of course, I’m biased, but I think they’re a pretty awesome solution!)

    If you would prefer to simply upgrade your license and continue using the 1Password app and handle syncing yourself, you do get a loyalty discount on a new license. Just head on over to our upgrade page and enter your existing license information to see your discount on a shiny new license for 1Password 6.

    I hope this helps, but we’re here for you if you have any questions. :)

  • Her0inmy0wnmind
    Community Member

    Super thats worked thank you!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Her0inmy0wnmind,

    That’s awesome! Thanks for letting me know. :)

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