A couple papercuts in 1Password

Community Member
edited August 2016 in Mac

Let me start off by saying that I'm a huge fan of 1Password. The only reason that I'm posting this is because I use it so often that the little things start to bug!

So here are a couple annoyances that I have:
1) Metadata search is lacking: If i'm searching for my passport details in 1Password I do the obvious thing, start to to type "passport." Whoops, no results. Weird, I guess I'll type my name. Ok there we go, I see it now in 1password mini. Can't do that in the main app though, my email address contains my name so I get hundreds of results.
A similar annoyance exists with credit cards, start to type "masterca..." and no results. I still do it a couple times a day even though I know what I have to type.

2) Fuzzy search: Simple enough, we're all human and make typing mistakes. Why not try to help us out?

3) Autofill of one-time codes: 1Password mini does not recognize input boxes asking for 2FA one-time codes, usually it just puts in my email address again. Google is an easy site to test this on.

Thanks again for this great piece of software! Fixing these papercuts would reduce the little cognitive load I still have to expend on logging into sites and filling forms to near 0 :chuffed:

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 4.5.7
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @tmalloy ,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in with your questions. I can address them below:

    1. I agree with you 100% with this one as it has bitten me too. You can work around this one by putting "Passport" in the title of the item. e.g. "tmalloy's passport". I realize this is not ideal, but it'll help in the mean time. I'll pass this suggestion along.
    2. Fuzzy search is a difficult one. Computers are exact, so web sites like google and others get around this by making index files with partial patterns and intentional misspellings. However, 1Password has a duty to keep your data secret and encrypted, so the challenge is making those index files available while still keeping your data protected. It's not to say it's impossible, just that it's a fairly big challenge.
    3. We are working hard on this one. It's difficult because many web sites don't do anything special to mark the text fields as "one-time password" fields. But yes, it's a popular request and we certainly want to solve that one as soon as we can.

    Thanks again for the suggestions!


  • tmalloy
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick response Kevin!

    Glad to hear these things are on your radar, and interesting point about the fuzzy search. I'm looking forward to future 1Password releases to see the cool stuff you guys are up to :)

    It's nice to have responsive developers willing to take feedback, so kudos to you and your team :+1:


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tmalloy

    On behalf of kevin, you're very welcome! We love hearing what our uses would like to see, and how you think 1Password should improve! We're excited about all the awesome new things in the future of 1Password, I hope that you'll enjoy it too! :chuffed:

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