Rebuild password info?

Community Member

I've been using 1password for years (possibly since version 2) and have been upgrading my data as I go along. I sync via Dropbox to an iMac, 2 MacBooks, an iPad, and an iPhone. A while ago I ran low on space on one machine and read on a previous forum post that I didn't need one of the folders So I removed the older folder. Now I keep finding entries labeled as "Unnamed" on one machine, but not necessarily on another. If I edit that info on the machine that has the actual name, then it seems to regenerate everything correctly on the connected machines. My guess is that there was a cache or compiled database of entires in that folder that I deleted. Is it possible to get 1Password to regenerate/rebuild that info on a given machine? Since the "Unnamed" entires are different on each machine, I no longer have a single "good" copy of the account information.

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 4.5.7
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:Unnamed


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ParanoidGeek,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re running into this bug! This is something that our developers have managed to track down, and once we resolve it for you, it shouldn’t happen again.

    Now, the best thing to do here is restore to a backup from before the unnamed items appeared. Have you made significant changes to your database since you noticed this?

    Here’s how to restore your database:

    1. Turn off sync on all of your devices.
    2. On your Mac, restore from a Backup before this happened. Verify that your items have returned to all of your vaults and look fine.
    3. Assuming all of your data has been returned in the previous step, remove the .opvault files for each vault from your Dropbox folder.
    4. On your Mac, set up sync to Dropbox again.
    5. On your iOS Devices, go into 1Password's Settings, tap Advanced, and tap "Erase Data and Settings" This will wipe the data from each iOS device.
    6. Restart 1Password on each iOS device, and set up sync to Dropbox again.

    Please let me know if this helps!

  • ParanoidGeek
    Community Member

    Hi @Megan,

    Unfortunately, I did not notice this issue for a few months, and I was adding items from multiple machines and devices, so I'm not sure what additional items I'll be missing from a backup. Looking through time machine backups on a different machine, I can tell I still had the folder on March 23. I have a backup from 1Password dated March 24 with 1000 items. The most recent backup has 1033 items, and I've changed quite a few of the existing passwords, credit card entries, etc. in the interim.

    Is there any chance I might be able to rebuild or reindex, or do I need to consider the last few months as a loss? Or, if I can pull the backup from Time Machine, will that fix things enough to let me generate a clean backup with a current copy?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ParanoidGeek,

    Unfortunately there is no way to rebuild the database. If you have a lot of recent changes, we can do a selective export of the new data, restore to a backup, and then import the new data. I know it’s not ideal, but it’s better than writing off the data as a loss!

    To determine which items would need to be exported, I would suggest creating a folder (‘Export’) and changing the sort order of the list view to ‘Date modified’ and then ‘Date created’ and copy all items created or modified in the last few months into that folder. You can then select all items in the folder and use File > Export > Selected Items to save a .1pif file to a location on your drive. This file can then be imported after you restore the backup. (Please note the .1pif file is unencrypted, so you’ll want to be sure to securely delete the file after you’ve imported it back into 1Password).

    This method might still require a bit of tidying and clean-up, but I hope it works!

  • ParanoidGeek
    Community Member

    Ok. So I'm finally able to touch all my computers to turn off sync on all of them. I did so, then exported the various changed entries both by date created and modified. I restored from backup, imported the 2 1pif files, and went through removing duplicates. 2 entries were 'Unnamed' that were imported from the backup.

    I could not find an .opvault file for my primary vault.

    Do I need to delete all data from the Macs and iOS devices before re-enabling sync on them?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ParanoidGeek,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

    I could not find an .opvault file for my primary vault.

    It might be a .agilekeychain file instead. Are you able to find any of those in your Dropbox folder? Agile Keychain and OPVault files could technically be located anywhere within your Dropbox folder/subfolders, although they're usually found in one of these locations (which have been the default locations in different versions):

    • ~/Dropbox/
    • ~/Dropbox/1Password/
    • ~/Dropbox/Apps/1Password/

    Do I need to delete all data from the Macs and iOS devices before re-enabling sync on them?

    If the "Unnamed" problem is also happening on your other Macs/iOS devices, then yes, you'll probably need to reset 1Password on those too (and then set them up by syncing with the new sync file in Dropbox). However, before you do that, do those Macs/iOS devices have 1Password data that is missing from the "first" Mac (i.e. the one where you backed up 1Password, exported newer items, reset data, restored from backup, re-imported recent items, etc)? Or do you now have all your latest 1Password data on that "first" Mac?

    If all your 1Password data is on that first Mac, you can go ahead and reset 1Password on the other Macs/iOS devices. But if those other Macs/iOS devices have some data which is missing from the first Mac, you'll need to go through the steps Megan gave you so you don't lose anything.

    Does that make sense? Please let us know if you have any questions about it. :)

  • ParanoidGeek
    Community Member

    I do have a ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain file, which I have now removed.

    The "Unnamed" problem was happening on all of my Mac and iOS devices. At this point, I'm operating under the assumption that my "first" Mac has all of the information needed. (For future folks who might stumble upon this thread, the process to reset data is to make sure that 1Password is locked and then to choose Help > Troubleshooting > Start Over from the drop down menu.)

    I was following Megan's directions which didn't include doing a full reset on the first Mac, just restored from a previous backup that appeared to be good. Do I need to do a full reset and then restore from backup? It took a while to add in the exported items and remove duplicates, etc. so if I can avoid having to redo that work, that would be good.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ParanoidGeek,

    If we have a good and true copy of your data on your Mac, then we can move forward without needing to do another restore from backup there.

    To ensure that the ‘unnamed’ data on your other devices doesn’t get merged into the new database that you’ve just spent time cleaning up, we’ll reset the data on your other computers and devices and set them to sync with this fresh database.

    Just to confirm, at this time, sync is disabled on all of your devices, and all existing 1Password data has been removed from Dropbox. If that’s the case, we’re ready to re-enable sync and finish this up:

    On the ‘good data’ Mac:

    1. Go to 1Password’s Preferences > Sync
    2. Set your vault to sync with Dropbox
    3. Give Dropbox time to work its magic (wait for the Dropbox icon in your menu bar to stop showing the spinny ‘sync in progress’ icon)

    On your other Macs:

    1. With 1Password locked, use Help > Troubleshooting > Start Over
    2. Restart 1Password
    3. Set up using the ‘Find my data elsewhere’ option and direct the app to your data stored in Dropbox

    On your iOS Devices:

    1. Go into 1Password's Settings, tap Advanced, and tap "Erase Data and Settings"
    2. Restart 1Password
    3. Set up using the ‘Use without an Account’ option and direct the iOS app to your data in Dropbox

    Please let me know how this works!

  • ParanoidGeek
    Community Member


    I've gone through these steps. I created a new opvault file for the "good" system to use, and then erased and synced all other devices with it.

    The one issue I encountered was that there were 2 "Unnamed" entries that ended up being imported from when I went to an older backup and merged newer entries. I corrected those entries and I've not seen the problem recur, so hopefully everything is good to go.

    Thanks for all of your help!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ParanoidGeek,

    Whoo hoo! I’m so glad to hear that we seem to be good to go. Please do keep an eye on things and if you notice anything wonky, let us know so we can investigate.

    Of course, I hope that 1Password works perfectly for you from now on. Have a great weekend!

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