Mac "Update Preferences" in Notification Center and not syncing with dropbox

Community Member
edited August 2016 in Mac

Notification Center on my 12" MacBook (running El Capitan 10.11.6 with 1.2Ghz and 8GB ram) showns 1Password as "Problem detracted: Update Preferences".

When I visit the 1password preferences, I don't see any option that indicates a problem other than my last sync was 4 weeks ago.

I'm sycing via Dropbox using a single vault called "Primary" according to my Mac preferences. When I manually look on dropbox I can see a file called "1Password.agilekeychain" on the base level that was last modified July 6th and I do not see any other vaults on dropbox.

When I look at the 1 password preferences on my iPhone, it indicates two vaults, one called "Primary" and one called "1Password", both of which are having no problems syncing with dropbox. I do not want two vaults and never purposfully created more than one. My iphone shows both as being syncedd via dropbox as /1Password.agilekeychain, but I only see a single file of that name on dropbox. My iPad 1password preferences and status are generally the same as my iPhone (two vaults, syncing just fine)

I need to get syning working again and would like to have a single vault on all devices. Also, I'm sure over the last month that I've added new passwords from each of my devices and I don't want to lose any of them.

1Password Version: 6.3.1 (631005)
Extension Version: 4.5.7
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:update preferences error


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ben_w,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble keeping things synced up lately. It does sound like something’s not quite connected with your Dropbox sync. I’ve got a few basic things that we want to check regarding Dropbox first, before we get into the serious troubleshooting:

    • Please ensure that Dropbox is installed and running on your computer
    • Check that you are logged in with the same Dropbox account on all computers and devices
    • Confirm that Dropbox sync is selected in 1Password > Preferences > Sync on your Mac
    • Confirm that Dropbox is selected in Settings > Sync on your iOS device
    • Confirm that both your Mac and iOS device are reading from the same file path in Dropbox.

    If all of those items check out, let's run a test and see where things are getting tripped up:

    • Create a test entry on your Mac ("Test, Mac") and add some data
    • Create a test entry on each of your iOS devices for each vault ("Test, iPhone/iPad, Primary/1Password") and add some data
    • Does "Test for Mac" show up on either of your iOS devices? If so, which vault does it show up in?
    • Does "Test for iPhone" and/or "Test for iPad" show up on your Mac?

    Please let me know the results of this little experiment - once we have a better idea of where things are going sideways, we should be able to get this straightened out simply for you :)

  • ben_w
    Community Member

    I went through your first list of things to check and all seemed to be setup as it should be.

    Then I did your list of tests and found that entries added on the Mac do not show up on iPhone or iPad.

    Entries added on iphone or ipad get synced between those devices, but do not show up in the Mac version.

    BUT, dropbox indicates that two items have changed each time I added an entry from either of my ios devices. AND, the 1Password.agilekeychain file that is on the base level of my dropbox still shows that it was last modified on July 6th (shouldn't it have updated when the iOS entries or Mac entries were added?).

    Also my iPhone primary vault indicates that it is located at /1Password.agilekeychain on dropbox. I'm confused as to why Dropbox indicates TWO files changed and why that doesn't change the modification date of the 1password file that is on the base level of dropbox.

    Please remember that I have added data on all my devices since this problem started, so I need to make sure the ios and mac data get merged in the end.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    I think part of the problem is likely related to the fact that you have two different vaults in 1Password on your iPhone.

    Do you have two different sets of data in those vaults?

    1. Open and unlock 1Password on your iPhone.
    2. Tap the icon in the top left corner to switch to your "Primary" vault. Tap Categories and look at the number next to All Items. How many items are in that vault?
    3. Tap the icon in the top left corner again to switch to your vault called "1Password". Tap Categories and look at the number next to All Items. How many items are in that vault?

    If there are a lot of items in each one, do you have any sense of whether the 1Password vault is just a duplicate of the Primary vault. Perhaps an outdated copy of it?

    What I want to do is get everything into one vault if possible, and get that one vault syncing correctly everywhere. Unless, of course, you really are intending to have multiple vaults. But I didn't get that impression.

  • ben_w
    Community Member

    There are 473 items in each of the two vaults on my iPhone, which leads me to believe that they are identical vaults. My Mac indicates 471 itmems and I know many of the items on the Mac are recently updated (new or changed passwords, etc) where the same item on iphone contain older info. I only want one vault to keep thing simple.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ben_w,

    Let’s take a closer look at your system to see if we can determine where things are getting tangled up.

    I'd like to ask you to create some Diagnostics Reports, one from each of your devices:

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report(s) in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report(s) in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s) and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • ben_w
    Community Member

    Mac diagostic report emailed #UEH-59889-611
    iOS diagostic repoer emailed #QUL-71983-128

    Hope that helps

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ben_w,

    We've received your Diagnostics Report - thanks for sending it in! I've updated the email thread with the necessary details from this forum discussion so that it is easier for our support team to get up to speed with the issue. Someone from the support team will get back to you as soon as possible with some further information. We'll keep the conversation going directly via email to avoid complicating things between here and there. :)

    ref: UEH-59889-611

This discussion has been closed.