Focus always shifts down one field when viewing an item from quick menu using keyboard

Community Member

This sounds a lot like the issue described in "Mouse changes the focus when 1Password mini pops up [Known issue, working on a fix]", which was opened, resolved, reopened as still happening, and re-resolved and the issue closed out so I can't follow-up there.

The issue is that when using the keyboard only to invoke the quick menu with ⌘+⌥+\ and navigate, any entry pulled up will immediately shift focus from the top/default value to the next value down. In my use cases and tests, I am ensuring the mouse cursor is not resting anywhere the popups are coming so I know the mouse cursor is not responsible.

This behavior reproduces on all credential types - logins, passwords, credit cards, anything.

It's a minor annoyance, however, especially for passwords, I do these steps repeatedly at work throughout my day to quickly and seamlessly copy usernames from logins, and passwords from passwords. It's just an extra keystroke, but it should be unnecessary.

Reproduction Steps for a Password

  1. Invoke quick access menu with ⌘+⌥+\ keyboard combination.

  2. Ensure mouse cursor is well away from the quick menu or any areas additional menus will pop.

  3. Type in the name of a stored password; in this example, typing "test password" to find credential "Test Password". Observe that the first matching result "Test Password" is already highlighted.

  4. Press the → key to open the highlighted "Test Password" entry.

Expected result:

  1. Observe additional popup for the Test Password credential.

  2. Observe focus is on password field, with default action "Copy" selected; ↵ will copy password value to clipboard.

Actual result:

  1. Observe additional popup for the Test Password credential.

  2. Observe focus is on password field for an instant, then jumps down to next field - in this case the website field - with default action "Copy" selected; ↵ will copy website value to clipboard.

Reproduction Steps for a Login

  1. Invoke quick access menu with ⌘+⌥+\ keyboard combination.

  2. Ensure mouse cursor is well away from the quick menu or any areas additional menus will pop.

  3. Type in the name of a stored login; in this example, typing "test login" to find credential "Test Login". Observe that the first matching result "Test Login" is already highlighted.

  4. Press the → key to open the highlighted "Test Login" entry.

Expected result:

  1. Observe additional popup for the Test Login credential.

  2. Observe focus is on username field, with default action "Copy" selected; ↵ will copy username value to clipboard.

Actual result:

  1. Observe additional popup for the Test Login credential.

  2. Observe focus is on username field for an instant, then jumps down to next field - in this case the password field - with default action "Copy" selected; ↵ will copy password value to clipboard.

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.3.1 (631006) AgileBits Store
Extension Version: 4.5.7
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6 (15G31); Darwin 15.6.0
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RyanWelsh,

    First of all, thanks so much for providing such a detailed report of the issue! I’ve been able to reproduce this here and have filed an issue to have our developers take a look at this.

    ref: OPM-4301

  • RyanWelsh
    Community Member

    Thanks, @Megan ! I really appreciate it.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RyanWelsh,

    No problem! Happy to help. :)

  • biskobe
    Community Member

    @Megan is there an update for this?

    It's my top annoying bug in 1Password :/

    This happens only if there is no username for a specific password. If there is a username, the focus properly switches to the Password field.

    It seems like that the "feature" to focus the password field is not focusing the password field itself, but just pressing Tab once and it doesn't care that it will land on another item in the interface.

    This tricks me several times a day to fire up the "Open and fill" functionality, because that's what gets focused when I open the entry.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @biskobe,

    Thanks for writing in to ask about the status of this, and I'm sorry this bug has been so annoying for you!

    I'm afraid I don't have any news for you about this - there's still an open ticket for this issue in our tracking system and our developers haven't forgotten about it, but there are a lot of other things which have taken priority. That doesn't mean this issue will never be addressed, but I don't have any sort of timeframe for when it will happen. I apologize for the inconvenience!

    In the meantime, there might be a workaround which helps. For example, instead of making sure the password field is highlighted an then pressing return/enter, you can simply use the ⌘⇧C (Command+Shift+C) keyboard shortcut to copy the password of the currently selected item. It doesn't matter which field is currently highlighted within the item details, because that keyboard shortcut is specifically for the password.

    Of if you need to fill that password on a website, you should be able to just select that Login item from the 1Password extension to have it fill the sign-in form. If you're already one the website, just click the extension icon and click the Login item that matches, or use the ⌘\ (Command+Backslash) keyboard shortcut.

    If you have more questions about that or need anything else, please let us know. We're here for you! :)

    ref: OPM-4301

This discussion has been closed.