If I download version 6.3.2 will I be required to join the subscription plan? [Answer: No.]

Community Member
edited August 2016 in Mac

Can't seem to find the answer to this simple question on your site. I not what version 6.3.1

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:If I download version 6.3.2 will I be required to join the subscription plan?


  • pcp55Ph
    Community Member

    There has to be an simpler way for the user to ask a base question than this complicated process.

  • rjh
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    Hi @pcp55Ph , Thanks for enquiring about the 1Password 6 standalone/subscription options. I know that a lot of prospective users have similar questions.

    The simple answer to your question: No, you are not compelled to sign up for a 1Passwords account, if you download 1Password 6.x! You can use 1Password as a standalone product and synchronise your data with multiple devices via Dropbox or the iCloud.

    The more roundabout answer: Why wouldn't you want to subscribe to an AgileBits plan?
    You will receive the 1Password app for all of your devices at no extra charge, your data is all securely synced and backed up to the AgileBits servers and, in the long run, a 1Password account works out cheaper than updating the app every time there is a new major release.

    I'm sorry to hear that you find asking basic questions on the forum to be a complicated process. After the initial login (required by all forums to prevent spam), it is very easy to ask post a question. The advantage — your question will be seen by multiple 1Password users – like myself – and can be answered immediately by someone who knows the answer.
    You can, of course, send an email to support@agilebits.com with your request, however, you will then need to wait until the people on the american continent wake up until you receive an answer.

    I hope this answers your questions, but if anything is still open, just ask away — there is always someone around here willing to help.


  • pcp55Ph
    Community Member

    Thank you for your most prompt reply! That answers my question. I will give consideration to the advantages you stated about the subscription plans. Chuck

  • rjh
    Community Member

    @pcp55Ph Hi Chuck, you are most welcome!

    By the way — you may not have seen that you can sign up for a 1Password [single user] account and use it FREE of charge for the first six months. Sign up now here!
    This way you can evaluate 1Password accounts to see if they are right for you. At the same time, you could also set your 1Password to sync with Dropbox or the iCloud and see which method you prefer.


  • pcp55Ph
    Community Member

    Thanks for the information. I have been using 1 password for a couple of years. Really like the program.
    Just have some concerns about the subscription plans and the long cost vs the purchased option. However, as you indicated earlier, perhaps I need to take a look at the math on this options. Chuck

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pcp55Ph

    It looks like Rob beat me to the answer here! I think he's given you some pretty solid advice and answers, but if you have any more questions or there's anything else that you'd like to know, we're always here for you :chuffed:

  • ronsmithmd
    Community Member

    Rob said, "The more roundabout answer: Why wouldn't you want to subscribe to an AgileBits plan?"

    For the same reason that I no longer trust Adobe's subscription to their Creative Cloud. They got hacked and I my data was there. I'm sorry but you clearly misunderstand when and where subscription trust begins and ends.

    To that end I ask this question. Will upgrades be available for purchase for the standalone version in the future so I can continue to the be the only one who has access to my data?

    Even if it my data is encrypted I really don't trust you are most anyone else at this point after Adobe's fiasco. I want my data on my physical devices and iCloud only! And I want to be able to sync with my wife so she can have my logins and passwrods like I used to be able to do before you took that away. You tell us you're secure, but we don't know that for sure, do we?


    Ron Smith, MD

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2018

    Hi @ronsmithmd

    I would like to go through a couple of the points you talk about, first I want to mention something about your security concerns:

    They got hacked and I my data was there.

    With 1Password Accounts your data is always stored and send over the internet encrypted. Even more, it is protected by two and not only one method: your Master Password and your Account Key. Neither if them is ever sent over the internet and you need both to decrypt it. Even on the scenario that our servers were hacked, they wouldn't be able to take anything other than gibberish out of it.

    You tell us you're secure, but we don't know that for sure, do we?

    If you want to look deeper into how we keep your data secure, you can take a look at our white paper. If you don't want to trust our word, you can trust the math :chuffed:

    Will upgrades be available for purchase for the standalone version in the future so I can continue to the be the only one who has access to my data?

    Short answer: yes. To go into more detail, we understand and support whatever you, our dear costumers, want to do. While having an account is easy and convenient (and hence why our friend Rob couldn't see why someone will opt out of it!) we are also well aware that everyone is different. For some of you the potential (or perceived) risk is not worth the perks of an account. We understand that and will continue to offer stand alone licenses and local vaults to deal with your data.

    I want my data on my physical devices and iCloud only! And I want to be able to sync with my wife so she can have my logins and passwrods like I used to be able to do before you took that away.

    I'm very sorry if there's been any confusion, we did not take the option to sync via iCloud or WiFi away. We added a new option, but the old ones are still there and fully supported. If you're having some trouble syncing it's not that we removed functionality but some problem with your set up. If you're having trouble syncing your data, please give us some details so we can help you sort them out! :chuffed:

    I hope this clears things up a bit for you, but if you have any other questions or there's anything else that you'd like to know, please let us know and we'll be glad to help you!

  • ronsmithmd
    Community Member

    Yes, thank you. Your clear response is heartening. The main reason that I used 1Password is so that my wife could have access to every login and password that I have. This is good for accountability. My digitial devices are always there for her to access. I tell her that I love her and prove it by that accountability. I'm technically ept and she is the general user so it would be easy for those like me to snooker their wives. That would be the ONLY reason to consider syncing through a subscription. I'm 58 and have been doing this since I bought my first Macs in 1985 shortly after the first ones came out. I've learned to not trust simply because someone says too.

    Thanks, Ron

    Ron Smith, MD

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Ron ( @ronsmithmd ),

    I’m so glad to hear that you appreciated Pilar’s response. I’ll be sure she hears about it. :)

    It’s great that 1Password has been helping you and your wife stay secure, and you’re wise to be cautious about who you trust. We’re honoured that you trust 1Password with your most sensitive data, and we’re here to help if you have any other questions or concerns!

  • SecretDude
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    I just want to add that, I too feel much more comfortable buying most products than paying to use them on a time-based basis (software, music, cars, whatever). I can't say I have a strong rational argument, it's just what I feel comfortable with. I hated to change from decades(?) of paying to upgrade my Adobe software when I felt it was the right time, to having to pay whatever fee they dictate to use the industry standard software, for the foreseeable future. I don't even use some of the current Adobe CC software, because I find it more buggy, and stability is more important for production work than having every bell & whistle. So I'm paying monthly for cutting edge Adobe software that I don't use.

    Perhaps some people (younger people?) are much more used to and comfortable with subscription services, whereas others like to know they have purchased a product to use as long as it is satisfactory for them. For those of us in the second category, being pushed from what we like to something we aren't comfortable with creates negatives feelings towards those pushing us. I think that's just a reality. So I bristled a bit reading the Agile Bits responses that seem to push towards subscription (even if the comments are simply rational explanations of the different models, and why it makes sense to subscribe).

  • Kengel
    Community Member

    I've been a fan of 1P ever since the early days, however I won't ever sign up for subscription software - which is essentially eternal payments for as long as you live and want the functionality. Financially it's a cash cow and keeps an ongoing revenue stream for the developers, all good, for them - but let's face it - it's a financial scheme that makes more money than selling one at a time. Otherwise it wouldn't exist.

    ICloud keychain didn't exist way back then, but it does now! Even though it's not as robust it does the basics. That's where I would go if 1P ever became subscription only.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Kengel: The good news is that we're totally happy to sell licenses so long as we have customers willing to buy them. The 1Password apps are for everyone. We don't care which you choose, so long as you're our customer. Some folks just want to buy the one thing, while others like getting everything for an affordable price. There's something to be said for both, and that's why we're doing what we're doing. :)

    @SecretDude: That's an excellent point. I think we probably all have our own personal aversions to things, and it's difficult to be rational about something with deep roots in our psyche. I'd love to read research on this. Maybe it would explain my disdain for natto. :lol:

    One thing your comments made me think of is that I wouldn't want to pay a subscription for Photoshop myself. I'd prefer a license. And when I ask "why?" it's because I know I wouldn't use it every day — or frequently. I've used 1Password daily for a decade though, and during much of that time World of Warcraft occupied a similar place in my everyday life, so I long ago got used to the idea of paying a subscription for something I get value from. But before that, I would have sworn to you, "NEVER!" I guess we each have to make that determination. 1Password may not be as indispensable to some as it has been to me. Food for thought.

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