Filling in credentials but NOT selecting other boxes.


Not really sure where best to place this question, so, will start here.

There are a number of sites which on their login page have extra tick boxes - things like "remember me" or, worse, PayPal's automatic sign-up for their version of 1-click payment.

How can I get 1Password to fill in JUST the username/password for these sorts of sites, but NOT activate the tick box that is also on the form? I can do it manually with copying and pasting, but, that's becoming a bit of a pain.

There's something in how the auto-fill works such that it's triggering/activating these tick boxes as the form is filled in and submitted - and it's annoying.

This is hitting me on OS X 10.11 and 10.12 (beta), but has been going on for quite a while. Doesn't seem to matter if I use Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc, same behaviour on all.

Thoughts welcome!

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 4.5.9b2
OS Version: OS X 10.12, OS X 10.11
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @doetraar

    I'm sorry to hear that 1Password is not behaving totally how you'd like it to. Could you please give us some specific URL's where you are experiencing this problem? That will help us sort it out! Meanwhile, I think that saving the login manually could help. If you want to give it a shot let us know if it helped! :chuffed:

  • doetraar
    Community Member

    HI @pilar - A good example is: However, it hits me with many other sites, including anything which is PayPal related.

    Not signing in to PayPal manually, but, the referral for payment that another site makes; that brings up a different authentication page with the PayPal token included in the URL (thus my not including it here), somehow I don't think you want to pay my PayPal bills..

  • doetraar
    Community Member

    Upon a re-read of your comment, @pilar, I think I now see what MAY be the issue.

    It seems that when I saved web form details at various sites there may have been a tick box enabled on the page at the time that I created an account. 1P saw that tick box and attempted to save the value (ticked, not ticked).

    When then re-visiting the website and signing in, it would appear that 1P is then also trying to tick a tick box, if one is present, if one was present (and activated) when I originally saved it. Even if the field name/value is entirely different...

    It might be clever if 1P could not tick boxes in those scenarios. I've gone ahead and started removing tick boxes from web form details on impacted sites, and that seems to be doing the right thing...

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @doetraar,

    When you save a Login item from inside the browser it records the state of everything. We've had a bug with radio buttons but a future version of 1Password will address this. What we want 1Password to do is to recreate the form exactly as it was when it was saved so that users can rely on it to tick boxes where required, select the right radio box and so on. It also ensures 1Password will unselect a checkbox if the default is for it to be selected but the user wants it not to be.

    So in this regard 1Password is working as intended and while you're not keen on it the removal of this behaviour would almost be guaranteed to upset a much larger majority with no doubt very vocal claims of 1Password being broken. I may be misunderstanding something of course so please do correct me if this is the case.

    As you've found removing the checkbox from the web form details will mean 1Password won't touch the default setting. Saving a new Login item with the page set up as you want it is another option too for sites where you find deleting fields from the web form details has an unintended consequence.

    The PayPal thing seems like it's a different issue, one you might have posted elsewhere? I know we won't offer PayPal credentials if a site loads the PayPal login form in an IFrame and we do that as a security measure. The main page can see everything that happens in an IFrame so we won't offer the credentials for another site on purpose. Again you might be referring to something else. If you have another thread please let us know :smile:

  • beijau
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables ,

    This does not appear to be a generic login issue: it arises specifically from the interstitial login that PayPal (US, anyway) uses to authenticate a transaction initiated at a vendor's web site. I can't tell if the radio box selection is's doing or 1Password but it sure is annoying. Every time I do a transaction I have to log into PayPal and turn the feature back off. I would love it if your team could implement a fix.

    When I access the US login screen ( or simply, the radio box is not presented. AFAIK the only way to reproduce this behavior is to actually purchase something...bit of a barrier for us mortals.

    My PayPal login credentials were set up in 1Password back in 2014, well before the introduction of PayPal's [cursed] OneTouch™ feature.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @beijau,

    Is it definitely a radio button and not a checkbox that you're referring to? For a while know we've not had a great track record when it comes to radio buttons and don't interact with them with a fix hopefully coming in a future version.

    I know exactly what you mean about the frustration of testing certain scenarios. Financials sites and anywhere where you have to completely commit before reaching the right stage. We try to help as best we can but sometimes it's either hard or flat out impossible to see the same page the user is experiencing the problem with.

    In your PayPal Login item what fields do you see in in the web form details section, are there many fields beyond the username and password?

  • Deez11
    Community Member

    Having the same problem every time I sign in when paying with PayPal. I tried to scribble what the screen looks like. It's a checkbox between login credentials and login button. I suspect it to be an issue created by PayPal, but maybe 1Password can solve it anyway. The placement of the checkbox between password field and submit button may be the issue. Maybe you offer PayPal Payments for your licenses and could therefore do some trials with the Agilebits website. As described above, the option is only shown and therefore selected on the payment login screen when being used from some e-commerce site.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    @Deez11 Can you check in the Web Form Details section of your PayPal Login? My hunch is there is a checkbox stored there and if you delete it it will cause the checkbox not to be restored.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits
    Fort Worth, Texas

  • Deez11
    Community Member

    Thanks for your reply Jamie!
    I've checked the form details (never did that before) and there was one checkbox: private_device. I've deleted this info now and will see how things go at my next PayPal purchase. Will give you an update if it didn't help.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Please do @Deez11 :smile:

This discussion has been closed.