1Password 6.3.2: export function disabled

Community Member

Hi experts,
in v6.3.2 the export function seems to be disabled. According to support article for export it's supposed to work.

Using 1password account with a single vault, no family, no team.


1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: 1password account


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Wolfgang ( @wolf_wiley ),

    Could you check something for me? In the top left of your screen, do you see an ‘All Vaults’ icon and title?

  • wolf_wiley
    Community Member

    Hi Megan,
    good for getting back. Yes, there's the "all vaults" icon there. To make sure, I'm using only one vault, no local vault, that is, the 1password web account. Looks like this

    Thus I don't have the selection option with those up/down arrows as indicated in your screendump.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wolf_wiley,

    Thanks for the screenshot! I'm a bit confused though - you said you see 'All Vaults', but in your screenshot I only see 'All Items' which is different (in Megan's screenshot, you can see both 'All Vaults' and 'All Items'). If you only have 1 vault, you shouldn't actually see 'All Vaults' (but you should always see 'All Items'), so that seems to fit with what I see in your screenshot. Sorry for any confusion about that!

    The reason Megan was asking about 'All Vaults' is because the Export option is only available when you're viewing an individual vault. If you only have one vault, I'm not sure why that option isn't available for you. Just to make sure we understand: When you open & unlock 1Password and go to the File menu, is the Export option grayed out? Or are the options within the Export submenu grayed out? Is the Import option available, or is that also grayed out?

    Out of curiosity, why do you need to export your data? The reason I ask is because depending on what you're trying to do, there might be an easier way to do it. (But we'll be more than happy to help solve the problem with the Export option.)

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • wolf_wiley
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG ,

    you're absolutely right. Since I have only 1 vault I only see "all items".
    Secondly, I revisited the export function and it was active now. Export for all items works as expected. Pardon for the confusion today.
    Additionally, the import function is active.

    Note: during the export I got the message that document export is not supported yet. I'm informed about and already got feedback that exporting documents as it is feasible with a local vault is in the making.

    thanks for the great support.
    wolf :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, I'm glad Export is working now! Thanks for following up to let us know.

    Hopefully you're all set now, but if you have more questions or need anything else, we're here for you. Have a great weekend! :)

  • endemoniada
    Community Member


    I'm having the same problem (Export menu completely greyed out), but I only have one vault, there is no "All Vaults" option even available, and I have no way of selecting different vaults. I'm on version 6.3.3. I've looked at all the other threads of people having this problem, but I can't do any of the things they did to fix the issue. I can't export single items, or the entire vault: the Export menu does not even expand to give any options. It's simply disabled.

    I'm on macOS Sierra.

  • endemoniada
    Community Member

    For unrelated reasons, I had to reinstall the computer. After this, I also created a second vault for work-related items. After that, when I followed the same instructions as above and selected just a single vault, the export menu became available to me.

    It seems like before it simply thought I had more than one vault, even though I didn't. It could potentially be due to an old iOS-created vault sync'd to Dropbox, but that vault was never opened in the Mac app, nor did it show up anywhere in the vault settings.

    Anyway, it works now. Guess that's the main thing :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    I'm happy to hear it's working correctly for you now! From your description, it sounds like Export should definitely have been working before, and I'm not sure why it wasn't. But as you said, the important thing is that it's working now. Thanks for following up to let us know!

    If you run into more trouble with that or have any questions about 1Password, please let us know. We're always glad to help! :)

  • mrmidi
    Community Member
    edited November 2016

    For those that are having this issue, here is what I was able to do to resolve it:

    1. In the top of the column with your Category & Tag list, check to see if "All Vaults" is selected, this is likely the issue.
    2. If "All Vaults" is selected, nothing you do will work in regards to using the File > Export function, so change it to anything else in the list
    3. Most likely you will be looking for "Primary" so select that. If you are wanting a specific Team's passwords, select that Team Name.

    That's all I had to do. Once I changed "All Vaults" to "Primary" I could export again.

    For the Agile Bits team, I do think this is a bug. Having "All Vaults" selected disables File > Export for the following normal ways I export data:

    1. Selecting an Entire Tag or items to export
    2. Selecting a hand picked few items to export
    3. Selecting a single item to export

    To me, it seems that the Export Behavior should function the same way if I can select items within the app to export. Which group they belong to seems irrelevant. Especially when that group might actually prevent me from exporting the item I am selecting.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @mrmidi, I'm sure your tips will be very helpful for others! :)

    As far as being able to export from the All Vaults view, I can let our developers know you'd like to be able to do that. It's something they'd like to implement, but it's much more complicated than exporting from an individual vault, so it's not something that can happen overnight.

    If you need anything else, just let us know. Cheers! :)

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