Can I continue with non subscription version

Community Member

I am disappointed that 1 password is following all the other software companies and utilities in believing the public will support the continuing barrage of tit bit subscriptions. Personally I refuse to, and thats why my income outgoings are kept to a minimum and my bank balance is healthy.

Any way can you please tell me if the non subscription copy will continue to work ?. Currently I ma holding off upgrading incase this forces me into sub ascriptions.

For the record I will find another solution if its forced on me. As I did with Adobe and many others.
Sorry to sound like a rant. The question is valid and my opinion I am sure is that of many. Good luck


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX
Sync Type: iCloud


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    AgileBits have said repeatedly that the non-subscription version will continue to be sold.

    Unless you are still on version 3, upgrading to the latest version is free. When version 7 comes out, there might well be an upgrade fee.

    At some point, changes in the Mac OS might make a current version cease to work, but that's an issue way down the line.

    The subscription version has some advantages that can't be provided in the non-subscription version, but you may not care about those.

    My own feeling is that new users should probably go for the subscription version, but that it's not clear whether current users should change over.

  • rjh
    Community Member

    Hi @CarloUK , While I agree wholeheartedly with you that many subscription services are annoying — Adobe being the one that annoyed me most — 1Password accounts actually make sense.

    First off, the apps for all your devices are supplied at no extra cost, secondly, all future updates are free of charge and thirdly, your data is secured on an encrypted server that only you can access. Your Mac, IOS, Android or Windows devices are then synced automatically.
    And in the long run, the whole deal works out cheaper than updating your 1Password app after every major release.

    However, to answer your question, The standalone 1Password application isn't going away any time soon. You can continue to use it for as long as you like. No changes are being forced upon anyone.

    Hope this moves you to stick with 1Password,


    ● Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a member of the AgileBits team.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2016

    @CarloUK: Indeed. We can't actually kill the standalone 1Password apps without 1. making 1Password less attractive to everyone, 2. killing our existing business, and 3. making everyone — including ourselves — very unhappy. We love 1Password, and we're glad that we have so many awesome customers on both sides of this debate. Let's avoid turning it into a war, and folks can vote with their wallets. There's room enough for everyone in the AgileBits family. :)

  • CarloUK
    Community Member

    Thanks for the replies. Isn't the standalone already on a secure encrypted server. i.e. Apple or Dropbox. Also if you are using the monthly pay version and cancel will all data be lost ? Will it have front end encryption ?

    Despite all this I won't go to subscription sorry. I will use another of the many services out there and Agile won't get the app purchases. I understand Agile want a continuos cash stream. All business do. But its all going crazy. from TV to Music to software. I prefer to pay the cash and be done with it.

    Saying that am I safe to upgrade the latest version for the standalone version. Does it have any of the subscription infrastructure in it ?

    Thanks CARLO

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    One advantage of the subscription is that the servers are controlled by AgileBits who can fine-tune them for wanted features. With the standalone version, it depends on what Apple or Dropbox provide, and there are already things that can be done with one of those two but not the other.

  • rjh
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    @CarloUK ,You can update to the latest version of 1Password without feeling threatened.

    The subscription services are an extension of the standalone app. If you go to 1Password's settings, you will see an option 'Accounts'. here you can add your subscription accounts (if you have them).

    Isn't the standalone already on a secure encrypted server. i.e. Apple or Dropbox.

    Both Dropbox and the iCloud are secure servers and if someone were to crack your password for either and download your 1Password database, all they would see is gobbledgooch.
    The AgileBits bits servers add an extra layer of security by requiring an access code in addition to your password.

    There's an interesting article about 1P security here.


    ● Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a member of the AgileBits team.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the replies. Isn't the standalone already on a secure encrypted server. i.e. Apple or Dropbox. Also if you are using the monthly pay version and cancel will all data be lost ? Will it have front end encryption ?

    @CarloUK: I'm not sure what you mean by "front end encryption", but all data is encrypted locally on your device, so the only thing that is sent over the internet or stored on the server is an encrypted blob. Additionally, the Account Key is generated locally on your device and the Master Password is chosen by you. We don't have those either, and they are never transmitted.

    Even if someone uses a 1Password Account and it is frozen due to nonpayment, we never lock you out of your data. You can still access it to export or copy to a local vault.

    Despite all this I won't go to subscription sorry. I will use another of the many services out there and Agile won't get the app purchases. I understand Agile want a continuos cash stream. All business do. But its all going crazy. from TV to Music to software. I prefer to pay the cash and be done with it.

    Well, I don't think we'll be accepting cash any time soon. ;)

    But in all seriousness, yes: we charge for our software. We're actually really proud of that, because if we didn't, there would be no one here to have this discussion with you or continue to develop the apps for all of our customers. We run a sustainable business so we can keep doing what we love: making great independent software for you and the rest of our awesome customers. :chuffed:

    Saying that am I safe to upgrade the latest version for the standalone version. Does it have any of the subscription infrastructure in it ?

    Yes. The apps support the subscription service in addition to licenses. We're not building a separate app for each. I don't expect that we'll be segregating the two. History has shown that this is a terrible idea. One side would end up getting a lesser experience, and that's not good for anyone. So we're committed to improving the apps for everyone. Cheers! :)

  • curling
    Community Member

    Hi Agile Ones,
    Can you clarify something for me? What are the 'several other features' mentioned in the sign-up page for the subscription versus licence?

    Also, does the 'hosted service' mean that one could use your cloud to put the vault instead of in Dropbox, or is that not how it works?


    "Is it possible to purchase a license instead of subscribing?
    Yes. We offer standalone licenses of 1Password for those who need them.
    These licenses enable you to get the benefits of 1Password but it is important to know that some features depend on our hosted service and are therefore only available to subscribers. For example, web access on, automatic syncing, item history, secure sharing with family members, and several other features will not be available to those who purchase a license."

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Can you clarify something for me? What are the 'several other features' mentioned in the sign-up page for the subscription versus license?

    @curling: Great question! There are a number of them, but my personal favourites are access to all of the apps, data loss protection, and no sync configuration altogether — you simply login to your account to authorize a device and access your data.

    Others love web access and multi factor authentication. I use them both myself and enjoy them, but I get really excited about not having to worry about losing data.

    Also, does the 'hosted service' mean that one could use your cloud to put the vault instead of in Dropbox, or is that not how it works?

    Indeed, with a 1Password Account, your encrypted data is stored on AgileBits servers. That's what makes it web access possible, along with automatic sync. You can totally use Dropbox. I still do. But it requires configuration on each device and a certain degree of management. Much like iCloud "just works" and my pictures show up on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac, your data is just available across devices with a 1Password Account.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • rjh
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    @curling Hi D, Good to see you evaluating 1Password accounts.
    To answer your questions.

    Does the 'hosted service' mean that one could use your cloud to put the vault instead of in Dropbox?

    1Password Accounts are securely stored on the AgileBits servers, not on Dropbox or the iCloud

    What are the 'several other features' mentioned in the sign-up page for the subscription versus license?

    The additional features for the 1Password Single User account include:
    • Apps for all platforms (Mac/IOS/Windows/Android) at no additional cost
    • All future updates free of charge
    • Online access to your data — from any web-browser
    • 1 GB of data just for your 1Password items
    • 365 day item history — Restore deleted items & passwords

    In addition to these features 1Password Families also includes:
    • Up to 5 family member vaults
    • Securely share passwords & documents between members
    • Permission control for each member — Manage what members can see and do
    • Account recovery — Restore access for locked out members

    You can find a comparison chart here.

    I hope this answers most of your questions, but please don't hesitate to ask if anything remains unclear.

    ● Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a member of the AgileBits team.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Alright, now that Rob has publicly shamed me with that exhaustive list of features, I'll be happy to field the next question so I can try to redeem myself. :lol:

  • curling
    Community Member

    Thank you both,

    I am also a Knox user and just saw that you are no longer developing it. I rarely access it but it's important for what it does. It occurs to me that there could be an OS update that would render Knox unusable, and I would only find that after the event, as it were. What's the situation about Knox and future usability?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @curling: It's impossible to say at this time, especially in regard to a hypothetical OS update. Knox is not currently in active development, but we'd like to bring it back someday — at least in some form. I have it open right now, and while I don't use it as extensively as 1Password, it would definitely be a loss.

  • curling
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks - Are you using a developer version of OS Sierra at AgileBits, and if so is Knox working OK with it?

  • Hi @curling ,

    One of our developers just mentioned it seems to be working fine on the latest beta of Sierra. While we can't make any promises for the final version, it is a good sign. There is a known issue that it won't work with external drives on El Capitan, and unless Apple changes something, it's expected that issue will also be in Sierra.


  • Gandalf
    Community Member

    Thanks for this discussion. I'm glad to hear that I can continue using the purchased version; I'd hate to give up 1P (I've been a user since converting to Mac from Windows over 9 years ago). One minor quibble with the idea that there are "free upgrades" with the subscription (for all software, not just 1P). If I pay $36/yr for a subscription, even if I am getting some additional features, I am not getting upgrades for free. "No additional charge" would be a more honest description.

  • curling
    Community Member

    Thanks, @ag_kevin
    I didn't realise that about external drives. Have you tried pulling a sparse bundle off a thumb drive and onto the main disk to see whether it is accessible then?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Gandalf ,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I can certainly understand where you’re coming from, and I’ll do my best to explain why we make this distinction.

    When you purchase a 1Password license, you’re guaranteed free in-version updates. These updates include bug fixes, and some fun new features too. Updates to 1Password 6 get the 6.x or 6.x.x label.

    Every so often, a “major version upgrade” comes along. This is when the 6 turns into a 7. These releases tend to have bigger features and changes to the app, and often (although not always) are made available as a paid upgrade.

    So, when we’re talking about 1Password accounts, we think it’s important to let users know that they will continue to receive new features and fixes for the 1Password apps as long as their subscription is active, whether we’re talking about smaller updates, or the major version upgrades.

    That being said, I don’t disagree that ’no additional charge’ might be a better way to state this and I’ll let our team know. :)

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @curling,

    Have you tried pulling a sparse bundle off a thumb drive and onto the main disk to see whether it is accessible then?

    Yes I have and it worked fined here. I just created a new Knox test vault (sparsebundle), moved it to a USB thumb drive and opened it it in Knox.

    Please do not take this a validation that you should upgrade to macOS Sierra on your primary Mac. Having this work on my machine doesn't prove anything. It may not work on yours. macOS Sierra is still in beta and must be treated as such. We do not recommend running beta software on non-testing hardware.


  • ckp
    Community Member

    I just heard about the subscription service in my 1Password notification to do an Upgrade on my Mac. I chose not to upgrade because I was worried it might force me to a subscription model (then I came to search the forums). I just wanted to add a note that my main reason for buying 1Password a long time ago was that it was not a subscription software and that it did NOT store my data in the cloud (your server or any server). 1Password standalone is a fantastic product that satisfies all my needs from such a product. Upgrades have always been free for me so far for a long time now. Now that there is a subscription service, I sure hope Agilebits is not going to gouge us standalone users on major version upgrades in such a way that pretty much makes us pay the same or close to the same as an annual subscription. I will never move to subscription and I won't pay for upgrades that put me at a cost that is close to a subscription
    Secondly, is the 1Password download for subscription or standalone or both? I need to install it on one of my new computers..

  • Hi @ckp,

    Thanks for the feedback. We haven't charged for an upgrade since 2013, despite releasing two major upgrades in that timeframe (v5 and v6). By all rights, we should have, but we opted not to. When we do next release a major upgrade it won't be "gouging" but doing as we should have all along according to our upgrade policy:

    AgileBits Software Licenses

    The same app is both for using 1Password standalone and with a subscription. There isn't a separate download.



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