Can I pay for subscription with Google Play In App Subscriptions?

Community Member

Is there a way to set up my 1Password subscription to be paid via Google Play via In App purchase?

The reason for this is my phone carrier allows us to use carrier billing for Google Play subscriptions which means that I can use my already included prepaid credit to pay monthly for 1Password. Last Pass along with many other services already have this ability but I'd like to use 1Password instead.

If this feature isn't available please offer the option as I can assure you there are MANY users who would sign up given they are effectively getting the subscription for no extra cost to them given they've already amassed credit with their carrier (effectively free for the user!)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @jayzed: It isn't currently posable to bill through Google (or Apple), but it may be something we can do in the future. Thanks for letting us know it's something you'd appreciate! :)

    On a side note, it sounds like I may need to switch carriers. I don't get anything like that! :lol:

  • XIII
    Community Member

    I would love to have this as well, but for iOS.

    iTunes gift cards are often for sale with a 20% discount in my country. That almost matches the >20% tax you (have to) charge on top of the advertised prices.

    It would also enable paying in local currency instead of US dollars, as discussed in another topic on this forum.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @XIII: Excellent points! Good to know that this is something yo'd like us to do on iOS. Now if I can just find a good deal on some gift cards... ;)

  • shawnlcl
    Community Member

    Adding my support for this! Hope it'll be implemented soon, and in such a way that I don't lose my early adopter privileges too (ie a smooooooth transition)

  • Furzul
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    I also would like to see something like this. Being able too pay through tha Apple Store seems an excellent idea. After all,I bought my original license through the App Store, so it should be possible.

  • Thanks for the feedback folks. :+1:

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