Extra copies of 1Password found on update but only have one copy

Community Member

I'm running the current version 6.3.1 from the AgileBits Store and got a notification for an update. When I went to update I received a message saying that there were extra copies of 1Password found. However, in the list in that window there is only the copy of 1Password found in my Applications folder showing up. I also verified that there is only one copy of 1Password Mini running.

I am running the developer beta of macOS Sierra and this is the first 1Password update that I've received since installing the beta. So far all functionality has been working for me and this is the only thing that has been odd. I'm using a families account so not worried about loosing my data but still wanted to check here before selecting to update anyway in the dialog box.

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: 4.5.7
OS Version: macOS 10.12 beta6
Sync Type: Families


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @donnywdavis,

    Thanks for taking the time to ask us about that! It's strange that you would see the "Extra copies" message during the update but only have 1 copy listed there. It's possible that it's a small quirk of running 1Password on the Sierra beta, although I'm not positive. To make sure you don't have other copies of the 1Password app on your system, you can try doing a Spotlight search for 1Password - if it finds more than one copy of 1Password 6.app, that's probably why you're getting the warning when updating.

    On the other hand, if you haven't been having any problems with 1Password, you can just continue by clicking the Update Anyway button. The update will work regardless of whether or not there's another copy of the app somewhere. The message is just a warning about a potential problem that can happen when trying to open 1Password if multiple copies are found. To make a long story short, it's an issue that needs to be fixed on the OS level, so all we can do on our end is warn users in advance about how to avoid it. But some customers don't have the problem at all (and in your case it sounds like there's only one copy of the app anyway), which is why we included the Update Anyway button.

    Sorry for any confusion about that! Hopefully it all works correctly for you, but if you run into problems or have more questions about it, just let us know. :)

  • donnywdavis
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG,

    Thanks for the info. I had figured it may be something with Sierra but wanted to double check. I just went through and selected update anyway and I'm confident that it is something with Sierra now. I selected to update from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 and everything downloaded and restarted the app, however, it did not update. The version still says 6.3.1 and it keeps prompting me with an available update to download. Since I'm on the Sierra beta currently I'll jump over and download the beta for Mac and see how that works out.

    Thanks for your help. :chuffed:

  • @donnywdavis,

    Did you happen to have 1Password in your ~/Downloads directory when you launched it? If so then this is a side effect of a new "feature" in Sierra; by which any applications launched from ~/Downloads will be relocated to a temporary path on a disk image before being run. It does this process in the background and you'd be completely unaware of it. Unfortunately we have not yet come up with a solution to this "feature" that Apple added in Sierra. So while you may think you have only 1 copy, you actually have two thanks to this feature.


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