Feature Request: Master Password prompt for special, more secure logins

Community Member

Dear Support,
1Password is awesome but there is one thing that I think could improve it. It has been suggested here https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/49638/master-password-prompt-for-certain-logins and here https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/63174/feature-request-selectively-choose-to-require-re-entering-password-for-items and I want to add support for such a feature.
I disagree with the responses from the support team. For example suggesting that this feature would be inconvenient is ludicrous. Since it would be optional and set by the user, the only inconvenience is for the person who you don't want accessing that password.
My reason for this is simple and very similar to the reasons in the above posts:
I have a zillion passwords stored in 1password that are for things that I hardly care about. 1password is just a convenience. I have about 3 things that I care A LOT about. Bank logins and credit card data.
After logging into something I hardly cared about, I then had to log in to my bank account and it was very easy because 1password was still unlocked (thank you 1password) but I then realised that ANYBODY could have done the same thing if I was not at my desk. The suggestion of changing lock times or manually locking are not helpful because they defeat the purpose of 1password.
I hope the above case is a good enough example to get something happening.

1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: 4.5.8
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6 (15G31)
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:re-enter master password for more secure logins


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mig15

    Thank you for taking some time to write in! This is a pretty interesting idea that we could probably think about for the future. While I can't tell for sure whether something on this line will be implemented or when. While we wait to see what happens with that I can give you a couple of suggestions: if you use a laptop you can make an habit of closing the lid when you walk away. It would not only help 1Password but improve your overall security! Otherwise what personally works for me is setting 1Password to lock after a couple of minutes of the computer being unused. This way if I'm working nonstop 1Password will remain open for up to hours. If I get up and go to the bathroom for example, 1Password will be locked by the time I'm back. At the end of the day, it doesn't feel at all like I'm typing my Master Password too much, and as you might imagine I use 1Password a little bit more than the normal user ;)

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