Software icon

Community Member

I suppose, 1P should look into the Preference Panes to get the icon of the licensed software.

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  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @june8,

    Thanks for writing in!

    I suppose, 1P should look into the Preference Panes to get the icon of the licensed software.

    I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you mean, but it sounds like you're asking about icons for Software License items, specifically Software License items for Preference Panes - is that right?

    If you have Rich Icons enabled in the main 1Password app, it will try to download icons from our image server for your Software License items. If it can't find a matching icon on our image server, it will check in the Applications folder on your Mac to look for an app that matches the name of the corresponding Software License item - if it finds a match, it will use the icon from the app bundle.

    This should also work for Preference Panes you've installed in System Preferences. For example, I've installed the "GPGPreferences" Preference Pane, and if I create a Software License item in 1Password and name it "GPGPreferences", its icon automatically appears once I click Save.

    If you've tried that but the icon for that Preference Pane doesn't automatically appear when you save the Software License item, you can add the icon yourself by clicking Edit and then dragging the .prefPane file from the Finder into the icon field in 1Password (you might need to click Save before the icon appears).

    Does that help? If I misunderstood what you meant, please let us know. Cheers! :)

  • june8
    Community Member

    You've understand correctly. But, my last saved item was in preferences panes folder but 1p couldn't find its icon. I had to add it manually.

  • Hi @june8,

    Looking up the icons for software isn't quite as precise as we'd like it to be. It typically relies on matching the name of the item with something on disk. So if the names don't match exactly, it can fail.

    Can you tell us which preference pane this was so that we can test this here and see if we can do better?



  • june8
    Community Member

    Smart Scroll

  • rickfillion
    edited September 2016

    Hi @june8,

    I've tested it here and reproduced what you're seeing with Smart Scroll. I did a couple minutes of digging and it's because we're looking in the pref pane's Contents/Resources for app whose name matches what you have, but in Smart Scroll's case, their app is in Contents/MacOS. I've created a bug in our bugtracker (OPM-4356) so that we can look into what could be done about this.

    Thanks for reporting this.


    ref: OPM-4356

This discussion has been closed.