Encrypted passwords and opening accounts using 1Password

Community Member

I have bank accounts set up in 1password and my passwords have been encrypted. Now what do I do to used them with my accountsand open them. I I do no know how to open my accounts after they have been set up in 1Password

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MaryLao,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help with creating or changing strong passwords for your accounts!

    Are you asking about website accounts on bank websites? Or do you mean you've created Bank Account items in 1Password to store details about your actual bank accounts?

    If you have an existing account on a website (bank or otherwise), you'll want to save that in a Login item in 1Password, and the best way to do that is through the 1Password browser extension. It's easy, and we have an excellent video & guide that shows you how to do that here: Use the 1Password extension to save and fill passwords on your Mac or Windows PC (That article also explains how to use 1Password to fill your Login credentials on a site's sign-in page.)

    If you've saved a Login item for an account on a website and you want to change your password for that account, you'll need to make sure you change it on the website as well as in your Login item for that site in 1Password. But 1Password helps to make that easy, and we explain how to do it here: Change your passwords and make them stronger

    On the other hand, if you want to store details about an actual account at a bank (like an account number, routing number, branch address, etc), you can create a Bank Account item in 1Password. A Bank Account item isn't used for filling forms on a website - it's simply meant to help you securely store and keep track of bank account information that you wouldn't normally need to fill on a website.

    Does that answer your questions? If I misunderstood or you have more questions, please let us know - we're always happy to help. :)

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