Trouble with Menu Bar Icon

Community Member

Recently I've been having trouble that the icon for 1Password is not showing up as colored black in my menu bar. It's making it difficult to see and harder to use 1Password. I've rebooted my MacBook and looked to see if there was an update to 1Password, but the icon is still remaining white during the day.

I use f.lux and have the options for it set to automatically switch the menu bar to the dark OS X at sunset. But this is still making it that the evening is the only time I can readily see the 1Password icon. I don't know what changed but this has been an issue for a few weeks now.

1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: 4.5.8
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Hi @pghkatrina,

    Thanks for writing in. I wonder if this has to do with the way that f.lux changes between light and dark mode. If I trigger the change via System Preferences, I see that it switches accordingly. We have people inside of the company that use f.lux though, and no one's noticed such an issue.

    Would it be possible for you to try to isolate this a little for us? Maybe try not using f.lux to see if that helps. Not as a permanent solution, but if we can figure out what's causing the icon to not detect the change as expected, we can look into doing better in that case.



  • pghkatrina
    Community Member


    I've owned 1Password for awhile (Since 2014) and always used f.lux which is why this is confusing me... It just suddenly changed.

    I tried what you said about turning on the dark OS X menu in System Preferences myself before coming here for support, and it does work fine.

    But during the day, the 1Password icon remains white, even if I close f.lux (which I tried today). See new screenshot.

    I've checked that 1Password, f.lux, and OS X are all up to date. Is there something else you want to me to try with the f.lux other than simply closing it?

  • @pghkatrina : let's start by just taking it out of the equation entirely. If the problem goes away then at least we know it's related to that. I wonder if maybe an OS update combined with f.lux has caused these changes.

  • pghkatrina
    Community Member

    @rickfillion So you want me to delete f.lux from my system altogether? Because the last screenshot above shows what occurs with f.lux turned off and the issue continues without f.lux running.

    Also using f.lux is important for me. So what exactly are you looking to do? Right now, it seems like working as I find crumbs along a path... Do we need to delete f.lux, restart, and reinstall? Something with the update for OS? Think that the new update coming, which I will likely install, will affect this?

  • Hi @pghkatrina,

    I'm looking for any kind of hint for what could be causing this. I understand that you like using f.lux. If we could determine that f.lux is indeed causing this then I'd love to have a chat with the f.lux developers to see what they're doing and maybe come up with a fix. As it is, you're the only person I know of that is able to reproduce this problem, so my only real option is to ask you to try things.

    So yes, I'd like you to completely uninstall f.lux from your system. I'm not 100% familiar with how it works, so I don't know for a fact that it not running as you've shown is equivalent to not having it on your system.

    I have no evidence to point at system updates being a cause or solution of this. I'm just coming up with theories at this point. I wish I had a definitive answer for you, but since I can't fiddle with this myself I'm stuck just coming up with ideas and seeing if we can find a way to test those ideas out.


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