Now that iOS 10 is officially out, what's next for 1Password?

Community Member
edited September 2016 in iOS

Will there be a new 1Password 7 or a continuation of 1Password 6.x for iOS 9 and 10?

Luckily all my devices are iOS 10 capable but I will want to keep it at iOS 9 for some months.

I recall that there was supposed to be a 1Password 4.6, I think, before Agilebits deciding to make it 1Password 5 with the introduction of iOS 8. 1Password 4.x worked with iOS 7.


  • Will there be a new 1Password 7 or a continuation of 1Password 6.x for iOS 9 and 10?



    1Password 6 is fully compatible with iOS 10, and we have a lot of cool things planned for the future.


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