Can I run 1PW from my thumb drive?


While I run 1PW on my Macbook Pro and several Windows machines at home (7 & 10), I am a professor and throughout the day I am on several different machines that all get re-imaged every night. I have no control over the re-imaging, so installing browser extensions is only temporary, until overnight, besides being very time-consuming to do once or twice a day. Can I run straight off my thumb drive, somehow?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry, but right now running 1Password or the browser extensions from a flash drive isn't supported. This is something we might look at in the future, but right now, our development focus is on other priorities. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you right now.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • trbaley
    Community Member

    So, in other words I cannot use 1PW when I am away from my computers, on the road, or on school computers that I cannot install anything on and get re-imaged every night. If that is the case, I will have to start revising passwords that are 32 or more characters to something I can remember, totally defeating the usage of 1PW that I have spent a fortune on through many versions and all the gifts of 1PW I have given and forcing my family and friends to use it on their personal computers, etc. Very disappointing.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @trbaley: That definitely sounds frustrating. I'm sorry that 1Password cannot solve this difficult problem for you. And frankly, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to be accessing sensitive data on a machine that someone else controls. It certainly isn't a chance I'd be willing to take. You may want to consider using one of the mobile apps if you have a smartphone with you, since that is under your control. And randomly-generated, word-based passwords are both secure and easier to type and/or memorize. I hope this helps! :)

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