[partially solved] Multiple copies of 1P

Community Member
edited September 2016 in Mac

[update] it seems that, re logging in OS X, Spotlight stopped to search in the other partition. The update issue, however, could still be on.

--- ORIGINAL MESSAGE ---------------------------------------------------------

Hi guys,

on my Mac I have two partitions with two versions of OS X, that serve different purposes. Both are indipendent so they often have their own copy of apps.
Since OS X is dumb, sometimes, when I launch it via spotlight, it tries to open the one on the other partition and I get a message from 1P complaining that it may give problems.

I added the "other" partition to the blacklist of Spotlight but it seems to keep ignoring it, so I'm a bit short of ideas:

Same thing happens during updates, see pic below (sorry about italian language):

Is there a way to stop getting these alerts? Both versions are always up-to-date, so it's not really important which one get launched (or, if there's a way to force OS X to ignore apps on different partitions? I get same error when my backup hard disk is connected to Mac, as well).

I'd like not to have to delete one of the two copies.

I know it could be something more relative to Apple than 1P but I'm just wondering if you had any good idea. :)


_1Password Version: 6.3.2
_Extension Version: 632001
_OS Version: 10.11 & 10.12
_Sync Type: iCloud & Dropbox


  • hi @lock,

    Unfortunately the OS is deciding which 1Password mini to launch, and it can and does choose randomly. So if they were ever not completely up to date then you'd more likely than not have an even worse experience of seeing mini constantly crashing. Your best bet is to zip the non-primary version and then delete that copy of the .app. Its not an elegant solution but it will keep the OS from getting confused about which copy it should be running. We really wish they'd fix that bug, but with 3 major OS versions (Yosemite, El Capitan, sierra) being impacted by it, it doesn't seem likely that they plan on fixing it any time soon.

    It is true that our alert is using spotlight to find the other copies, so as you say turning off spotlight searching on those other volumes could be a solution to the alert, but that doesn't account for the OS launching the wrong 1Password mini.app. So this can work so long as you're absolutely lockstep in updating both copies.


  • lock
    Community Member

    Well, if 1P is using Spotlight to look for other copies then I could be covered.
    As I wrote in the update, I was able to exclude the wrong partition from Spotlight.
    Now only one copy is found when I do a search, I'll test the update... well, on next update. :)

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @lock

    Thank you for getting back to us and for trying something new! We hope to hear back from you and learn if it worked as expected when you discover something new :chuffed:

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