Where Is My Vault and Other Files To Restore?

Community Member

I was playing with something and when I tried to start 1Password my vault and all my info seemed to be gone. I want to use Time Machine to restore 1Password and all the info, but I don't know which files to restore?

1Password Version: 6.33
Extension Version: 4.59
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:Lost my vault


  • Nickm11
    Community Member

    Never mind got it.

  • Hi @Nickm11 - I'm so glad you were able to restore your 1Password data using Time Machine. For anybody else looking for this information -

    1Password from Mac App Store - ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Data
    1Password from AgileBits Store - ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/

    To recover either of these folders using Time Machine -

    First create a Time Machine icon in your dock by dragging the Time Machine icon from Applications folder to the dock.

    Run Finder,
    Hold down option key, select Go from menu bar, select the Library folder, then select the folders within this Library folder.

    Click on the Time Machine icon in dock and you will still see this folder in your window and you will be able to select which date to go back to.

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