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Migration to cloud account, issues with 2 vault logins

Community Member

I have migrated my 1password account to the cloud based account service. Previously I used dropbox sync with the 1password app combined with the Chrome extension.

After exporting my vault and removing my dropbox sync and everything working beautifully I seem to have been reversed to my old vault login details, both on my machine (iOs), and my Chrome extension. I can now only use my old login password and account for both.

So far I have tried to re-install the chrome extension (twice) and rebooting the machine. Same goes for the 1password

Why am I being forced to use my old vault login details after removing it?

Thanks beforehand,

1Password Version: 6.3.3
Extension Version:
OS Version: OSX 10.11.6
Sync Type: cloud
Referrer: forum-search:Migration to cloud account, issues with 2 vault logins


  • wigsten
    Community Member

    So I solved my own issue by removing the extra vault that had been created after I imported all my logins. This vault was called Primary while my new cloud based vault are under my own personal name.

    For anyone that needs a reference to solve this issue make sure you make a full backup of your vaults, and make sure your cloud vault has all the logins you want. When you are ready select the vault you want to delete in the main view click '1password' > 'Delete Vault'.

    This reset the account to your cloud based service where you have to re-enter the password.

    Chrome extension AND app are now both with my new password only.

    Hope this helps someone,

    Good luck

  • Hi @wigsten! Thanks for posting about this. I'm glad you solved the issue. :) For anyone else who is curious about this, the recommended steps to setting up an account an existing user are available in our knowledge base:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account


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