Bug: Custom icon removed after vault rename and Req: vault ordering

Community Member

BUG: I have custom icons on my vaults. I needed to rename a couple of vaults so I edited the vault settings and only changed the name. The custom icon was still shown during the editing. When I clicked the save button, the custom icon was removed.

REQ: The reason for renaming the vault is because on my Mac, I use the keyboard shortcuts to switch between vaults. In 1P4Mac, I added the local vaults in a specific order so the shortcuts would be in my preferred order. With 1P4Families, ⌘0 = All Vaults and ⌘1 = Personal. Any remaining vaults are in alphabetical order. This is annoying because you get used to using a shortcut for a vault but then you add a new vault and any vaults that are in alphabetical order after the new vault get bumped up.

Could you add the ability for the user to manually reorder the vaults, or during vault create/edit mode, specify the number to be assigned to a ⌘[2-9] shortcut? I'm fine with All Vaults = ⌘0 and that should stay as 0. I'm mostly fine with Personal = ⌘1 before other vaults but allow the user to change it if they wish.

With the look of the web interface for the vaults, my mind immediately switched into Trello board mode and I tried to move the vault boxes. :'( Perhaps you could design a similar interface where the user can drag the vault boxes around. The 9 boxes after "All Vaults" would be assigned the ⌘[1-9] shortcuts.

Thanks for listening

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @Smudge! Nice seeing you around the forum so much lately. :) I'm glad we're getting the opportunity to gather some useful feedback.

    I have custom icons on my vaults. I needed to rename a couple of vaults so I edited the vault settings and only changed the name. The custom icon was still shown during the editing. When I clicked the save button, the custom icon was removed.

    I must admit I've not seen this before. I was able to reproduce it when renaming the vault from the main account page. It doesn't happen when renaming from the Admin Console so I'd recommend doing that to avoid this until we get it fixed. Thanks so much for posting about it. We'll get it patched up.

    ref: B5-2058

    Could you add the ability for the user to manually reorder the vaults, or during vault create/edit mode, specify the number to be assigned to a ⌘[2-9] shortcut? I'm fine with All Vaults = ⌘0 and that should stay as 0. I'm mostly fine with Personal = ⌘1 before other vaults but allow the user to change it if they wish.

    Good suggestion! We've had a few people ask about this in the past, and it would be nice for pro users. I'll let the team know you're interested in it as well. :)

    ref: OPM-3168

    With the look of the web interface for the vaults, my mind immediately switched into Trello board mode and I tried to move the vault boxes. :'( Perhaps you could design a similar interface where the user can drag the vault boxes around. The 9 boxes after "All Vaults" would be assigned the ⌘[1-9] shortcuts.

    I like that idea! I'd be happy to let the team know about it. No tears necessary. :glasses: Thanks again for the suggestions!

    ref: B5-2059

  • Smudge
    Community Member

    Along the same lines of vault ordering, I have another request.

    Would it be possible to have 1P Mini show the entries in the same order as the vaults? Currently it is simply alphabetical order of all matching entries mixed together. This is a confusing mess when I have enabled multiple vaults shared from other people. I've just started adding users to the team and it is already nasty. I'm very afraid of how bad it is going to be after inviting a lot more people.

    For example, I need to log into my Google account and the 1P Mini list is showing 20 matching entries associated to Google. Due to everybody's own naming format, they vary wildly with entries like G, Google, Gmail, Docs, google.com, zzzGoogle-old, etc. Having them at least grouped together in the same order as the vaults (with my Personal entries always first) and then alphabetical within each grouping would be a big help.

    When this happens, I use the keyboard shortcut to switch vaults to the one I'm after. This is where my previous request for assigning vaults to specific shortcuts is very important.

    To expand this idea a bit further; could you add the custom vault icon (if one has been set) next to the site/entry icon? This would also help to differentiate the entries, especially when they are named the same. Something like this...

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    Hi @Smudge,

    Thanks for your additional request! With so many vaults and so many different names for Login items for the same site, I can definitely see how that would become confusing when looking at the list of matching Logins in the 1Password browser extension.

    I'll be happy to forward your request to our developers, but also wanted to explain it might be more difficult than it seems, and that's because the order of the matching Login items is more complex than alphabetical order. There's a setting in 1Password > Preferences > Browsers for 'Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites' which makes a difference in how this works. When that setting is enabled, and you go to a website and then open 1Password mini, it will show matches based only on the domain (for example, google.com) and ignore the subdomain (Favorites will be listed at the top, and the rest will be in alphabetical order by title.

    On the other hand, when that setting is disabled when you go to a website and then open 1Password mini, Login items with the same domain and the same subdomain as the website you're viewing (for example, calendar.google.com) will be listed at the top. Of those, the ones marked as Favorites will be at the very top. Login items with the same domain but a different subdomain will be hidden behind the 'Show X more items' option (even if they are marked as Favorites). When you click the option to see more items, it will list Favorites first, followed the rest in alphabetical order by title.

    So as you can see, the way matching Login items are sorted in mini / browser extension is pretty complex, and the order is already determined by several different factors. I'm not sure how that would all work if we also tried to take into account the order of the vaults included in the All Vaults view, as that might mean Login items that are the closest match for the domain & subdomain could end up further down the list than expected. That's not to say we won't figure out a way to do it, but I just wanted to explain a bit about why it won't be an easy task for our developers.

    By the way, I love your idea of putting the vault icon next to the Login item icon! (And thanks for the mockup screenshot! :) ) I think that would be really helpful in situations like this, and I'd be glad to forward that to our developers as well.

    Thanks again, and if you need anything else, you know where to find us! ;)

  • Smudge
    Community Member

    @Drew_AG I understand that it won't be easy and might confuse some users but hopefully your amazing development team can figure out something.

    Thanks for the detailed explanation as that helped me to understand why a favorite entry was showing in the 3rd slot instead of at the top. I had that preference option disabled so the favorite entry with the URL of accounts.google.com was hidden behind the Show more items. Whereas the 2 GoogleApps entries were shown at the top because they have URLs of www.google.com

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad my explanation was helpful! Sometimes the way matching Logins are sorted can be a little confusing - even for us. ;)

  • c224
    Community Member

    I'd like to add my vote for vault reordering. It looks like this has been "under consideration" for nearly 2 years (https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/45642/feature-request-ability-to-reorder-vaults-under-consideration).

    Any progress or update?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting us know you'd also like to be able to reorder vaults, @kvnhe! Indeed, we've had an open feature request for this in our internal tracker for quite some time now. I can't promise whether or not this feature will be added to 1Password, but the fact that it's still open in our internal tracker means our developers haven't decided against it. That doesn't guarantee it will be added, but it means we know there's a need for something like this as more and more customers start using multiple vaults, and we're hoping to be able to address it at some point. Other things have taken priority, but I personally hope we'll work on this for a future version. I'll gladly forward your comments to our developers to let them know.

    We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

    ref: OPM-3168

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