Keyboard shortcut for username field

Community Member
edited February 2017 in Mac

I love keyboard shortcuts

is there a shortcut that can help copy a username AND a password in one go? Or atleast a username. I now shift + command + c copies password but I sometimes have the need to quickly copy user id as well


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  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rochak,

    I'm happy to hear you like the keyboard shortcuts! I am also a big fan, they make repetitive tasks a lot easier. :)

    The username and password fields are two separate fields, so it wouldn't work to copy both of them to the system clipboard at the same time (otherwise they would both end up being pasted into the same field of the sign-in form). The ⌘⇧C keyboard shortcut was assigned to the password because that's typically more difficult to manually type than a username. We could probably add a different shortcut to copy the username, but I can't make any promises about if or when we might do that.

    For now, you can view an item's details and then click on the username field to copy it (or use the arrow keys to highlight the username field and then hit return/enter). It might not be as easy as a keyboard shortcut, but I wanted to mention it in case it helps.

    Thank you for your feedback about that! If you have more questions or feature requests, just let us know - we're here for you! :)

  • rochak
    Community Member

    Thanks for response !

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    On behalf of Drew, you are most welcome! We're here if you have any other questions, comments, or suggestions! :)

  • ajrfs
    Community Member

    I have to say I'm not quite as impressed with your response as rochak was. This is a pretty important feature that most password managers have. Also, how hard would it be to add a keyboard shortcut? Most of my entries in 1Password are not for web pages where you can throw the credentials. They are for systems and have all different kinds of interfaces for login. The ability to copy the username is pretty essential for me, so I'd like to bump this feature request, please.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ajrfs,

    Thank you for your feedback & request!

    The ability to copy the username is pretty essential for me...

    Just to be clear, you can absolutely copy the username. There just isn't a keyboard shortcut to do so like there is to copy the password. I can't say for sure if we'll ever add a keyboard shortcut for the username, but I can certainly understand how that would be helpful, and I'll forward your comments to our developers to let them know this feature means a lot to you.

    In addition to the suggestions from my previous reply here, something else that might help is that you can use ⌥⌘\ (option+command+backslash) to open 1Password mini, navigate to an item, then use ⌘O to open the item details in a floating window. Then you can click the username to copy it, paste it into the other app, and do the same with the password. The focus will stay in the app where you paste the info, so you don't even need to manually switch between that app and the floating window. (I know you'd prefer a keyboard shortcut specifically to copy the username, but I wanted to mention this in case it helps.)

    Thanks again for letting us know. We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

    ref: OPM-1733

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