Comparing and Deleting Vaults

Community Member

Hello: Okay, I switched from the stand alone license to the new family service. I have two vaults: a Personal (which is the 1P name) and Primary (which I created). I don't need two and I think the vaults are fairly identical in content, but I'm afraid to delete the Primary. First question: the only way to compare the two -- or the best way -- is the select all vaults and look for items that don't have duplicates? And when I find one simply select and copy (under the Item heading)?

Second question: even though my new service is backing everything up to the 1P cloud, I still like to keep a backup on Dropbox. At present, it is the Primary vault which is backed up; but I can't seem to find a way to only have the Personal backed up. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Third question: when I click on "1 Password 6" in the menu heading and go to licenses I can still see my old license; but the confirmation that I'm using the new service and it's backing up my data is inside Preferences/Accounts where I can see sign-in address, account key, et cetera? I think I already know the answer but I'm just triple checking since I would like to get rid of any unnecessary vaults.

Thank You

1Password Version: 6.3.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.10.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mobius32x,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help! You have some good questions, and I'll do my best to answer them.

    First question: the only way to compare the two -- or the best way -- is the select all vaults and look for items that don't have duplicates? And when I find one simply select and copy (under the Item heading)?

    Yes, the All Vaults view is definitely the best way to compare the contents of each vault. Assuming duplicate items have the same titles, it should be pretty each to look through the list and see if you only have a single copy of any items. Also, if you select an item in the list, the item details will show you which vault it's in. If an item only exists in the Primary vault, you'll want to make sure you copy (or move) it to the Personal vault.

    Second question: even though my new service is backing everything up to the 1P cloud, I still like to keep a backup on Dropbox. At present, it is the Primary vault which is backed up; but I can't seem to find a way to only have the Personal backed up. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Just to be clear, "sync files" and "backup files" are two different things. Your data in Dropbox is a sync file, which changes to match the data in your Primary vault. It can be used as a backup in an emergency of course, but it's not really meant for that purpose. A true backup file is a copy of your data from a specific point in time which is stored in a safe place and never changes. For example, in Preferences > Backup, you'll see the backup files 1Password automatically creates for your Primary vault (and any other local vaults that aren't part of your account). This doesn't really answer your question, but I thought it might help to explain the distinction.

    The settings in Preferences > Sync only apply to local vaults (i.e. the Primary vault), and not to vaults in your account. That's because your account vaults sync through our own servers and don't require any sync setup. But local vaults aren't part of your account and therefore don't sync through our servers - they can only sync through another service like Dropbox or iCloud.

    Similarly, your local/Primary vault data is automatically backed up locally (i.e. Preferences > Backup), but your account data is automatically backed up on our servers / That's good because even if your Mac is lost or stolen, you'll still be able to restore your 1Password data on another device (just sign into your account from the 1Password app). But I can let our developers know you'd be interested in also being able to keep local backups of your account data.

    Third question: when I click on "1 Password 6" in the menu heading and go to licenses I can still see my old license; but the confirmation that I'm using the new service and it's backing up my data is inside Preferences/Accounts where I can see sign-in address, account key, et cetera? I think I already know the answer but I'm just triple checking since I would like to get rid of any unnecessary vaults.

    That's not a problem at all, it just means you had previously been using 1Password for Mac with a license before you signed up for and added your 1Password account. Licenses and accounts are different things, but they can both exist in the 1Password for Mac app at the same time.

    Hopefully that answers your questions, but please let us know if you need anything else. We're always happy to help! :)

  • mobius32x
    Community Member

    Okay, thanks Drew! I do backup my local vaults off site (using Crash Plan) and this is helpful b/c I don't really need to since I'm really only operating with a single vault. I just logged in to the 1P site and everything is there.

    Final question: 1P doesn't save the info and allow for automatic login where the 1P site is concerned (as contrasted with normal sites), correct?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mobius32x,

    1P doesn't save the info and allow for automatic login where the 1P site is concerned (as contrasted with normal sites), correct?

    You can definitely save a Login item for your 1Password account info - if it doesn't automatically prompt you to save one when you sign in, you can follow these steps to save a new Login item.

    If you have trouble with that, please let us know. :)

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