Help with UK localisation

Community Member

I bought 1Password back at v3 or v4 both on Mac and iOS. Ever since then I've had the standard US localisation, even though I live in the UK (social security number rather than national insurance number etc). My partner bought 1Password on iOS about 18 month after me (just before v5) and her version shows the UK localisation. I can't work out for the life of me how to change my setup to be the same. My phone is set to UK and UK-English and I have changed the 1Password language to en-GB but I still have US categories.

Do I need to remove all the existing saved records in these categories before they will show UK ones or is there some other fix?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @kiran_mk2 I dealt with the UK English localisations on and there are two things that puzzle me:

    1. I'm using 1Password 6.4.5 on iOS 10.0.2 and, like you, see a category called Social Security Numbers—which should be National Insurance Numbers. I'd not noticed that until you pointed it out but it seems that for some reason that particular localisation has not been picked up by AgileBits (see below for two others I've spotted).
    2. You said:

    I have changed the 1Password language to en-GB

    How did you do that? The localisation should be simply picked up from your settings under Settings > General > Language & Region.

    Are there other non-UK localisations you see? I've noted Software Licenses and Driver Licenses rather than Software Licences and Driver Licences respectively (both of which were "translated" when I did the UK localisation—so, again, I suspect they're not being picked up for some reason).

    It may also be helpful to mention what version of 1Password for iOS you're using (you'll find it listed under Settings) and your iOS version.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kiran_mk2,

    If memory serves me correctly 1Password for iOS completely ignores the system settings here and bases everything on the Advanced > Language option. What I did notice though was altering the setting more often than not did not result in the expected change until I force closed 1Password for iOS and relaunched it. I wonder if this could be the key to this problem?

    So with the Language set to en-GB do you see the correct descriptions after a force close and fresh launch?

    If force closing isn't a term you've come across (I sometimes struggle with the right terminology on iOS) this page should help, Force an app to close on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

    If that doesn't help please do say.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables force closing 1Password for iOS makes no difference for me: the non-localisations I mentioned in my post still appear, so I'm still thinking there is some problem other than simply on the local iOS devices. (For what it's worth, the correct localisations are picked up by my copy of 1Password 6.5.BETA-21 for Mac running under macOS 10.12.)


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @Stephen_C, it's a pleasure to hear from :smile:

    While I have my iOS set to use English (U.K.) for language and region set to the United Kingdom, my own findings are that unlike 1Password for Mac, 1Password for iOS ignores the settings completely. Instead it seems to use the setting in 1Password for iOS > Settings > Advanced > Language. When I set this to en-GB and force quit 1Password for iOS it correctly displays National Insurance Numbers instead of Social Security Numbers. Without the force quit though it continued to show the Social Security Numbers title. Are you finding differently?

    I honestly don't know why we use the system localisation settings on Mac but not iOS, I'm just reporting on what I found when I poked and prodded.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables you are as always correct, of course. :-) I apologise for my too hasty reading of your previous post (when I'd not appreciated you were referring to the language setting in 1Password for iOS itself—which I think I'd never previously discovered). The appropriated meddling with 1Password settings, a force quit and restart shows everything in its UK localised glory. Thank you!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    After all the effort you went to, championing for en-gb/English (U.K.) and providing the correct translations (it feels odd calling it that in this instance) it's only fair you get to enjoy them @Stephen_C :smile:

    @kiran_mk2, hopefully you've found the same as Stephen and you're seeing the UK spellings now too.

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